Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes September 29th- 6th October 2015

Aries- Dear Aries, Organization and practicality are required at this point of time.Developing these two qualities is going to make you more self reliant.Material comfort and security with additional success is present in the cards but for that you have to learn the art of managing resource management and optimisin your chances of more financial rewards.There is likelihood of you handling big financial investments.Those who are employed are likely to have a stable week through good management skills. Courage, honesty and determination will help you achieve your goals. Invest your time and energy in creating something of great value and inspiration.

Taurus- Dear Taurus, a time for emotional renewal and return to happier times.There is clarity of thought, receptivity, generosity and creativity. There could be a relation between the past and present regarding money. You can expect old debts being repaid and a return to affluent times after a period of instability.You may decide to join hands with someone for a joint venture and enjoy sharing the profits.A renewed enthusiasm towards work enabling you to be more receptive to new ideas iving way to great creativity.Bring the skills new and old acquired by you and apply to the projects at hand to be recognised and rewarded. An open exchange in a relationship.

Gemini- Dear Gemini, this is a time for consolidation.Define your goals, purpose, territory and don't let life pass you by.Taking command of your financial matters is important to make it on your own.Assistance will be forthcoming but do not rely too much on outside help as it may result in compromising your self worth.Put your ideas and plans into action at work, be passionate about what you do.Embrace challenges to stretch yourself to the limit rather than settling for comfort and ease.

Cancer- Dear Cancer, you have recently gone through a very tough phase but you have gained a lot in terms of wisdom.You are on the verge of exhaustion and are physically exhausted, it is important that you take care of your health. Stop worrying and give yourself some rest.The tough times still continue bringing somethings to their conclusion.A financial situation needs to be handled carefully to avoid losses. The right action now can still save the situation.

Leo- Look within you dear Leo and you may feel the veils being lifted and the truth being revealed.There is a constant chatter going on in your mind and you need to silence your mind to listen to the tiny voice of your intuition.This inner knowing is going to guide you and if you feel too spaced out bring out your practical side to ground you.Trust your hunches and try to get deeper with certain matters instead of relying totally on face value.

Virgo- Dear Virgo routines can be boring but at this moment you are requested to take care of mundane tasks with great diligence.There is an increase in your finances due to wise investments.Be practical with money and stabilise your finances and keep awy from risks.Those in employment self reliance is called for now.You will succeed through hard work and steady persistance.Jobs in manufacturing, farming or construction are recommended .

Libra-Dear Libra- there is lack of clarity and you must rely on blind faith. An argument could result with a difference of opinion about a moneymaking venture. Don't allow other people to confuse you have faith in your own ideas .Watch out for any loopholes in any contracts, investments and other financial documents.Lack of clarity creates problems at work.Have faith in yourself and take care of details. A tricky situation could crop up which needs to be handled with tact and diplomacy.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio money improvements and consolidation is indicated.You are accumulating wealth or have sound financial backing.Work situation seems to be trouble free and secure.You are a valued member of the team and deserve the respect you command.You will see all the trappings of success materialising.However, dont make the mistake of staying in a job that does not provide fresh challenges and excitement to you.

Sagitarius-  Dear Sagitarius,The time has come to be more brave and less conservative.A change is shown by the cards it can incite you to give up your property, business or other monetary investments and proceed onward to something else.A costly lesson could be coming to you  as a result of being adamant and refusing to listen to others.There could be a sudden change in your financial standing and it would be prudent to make changes in your portfolio.A change in job, responsibilities is likely now.You may need to change your attitude or the way you perform your job.Better focus and avoiding confrontation could benefit your work.

Capricorn- Dear Capricorn, this is the time for taking a few risks and try something new. This period is filled with excitement, movement and action.Opportunities will present themselves and you will have to take spot decisions.At work too things move very quickly and you will be on your toes.You feel inspired and creativity flows through you and you make rapid progress.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius you have the fine ability of consolidating innovativeness with creativity and common sense. You can generate money through the down to earth use of your vitality, gifts and resources.This is the phase where you remain on the precarious edge of effective consummation of a stage in your money related story.Professionals valuable usage of your time, capabilities will deliver enduring and lasting results..It is a great opportunity to go on a journey you have been wanting to go.

Pisces- Dear Pisces it is a time to rejoice and spread the joy to others.Brighter days lie ahead, financial problems pale and confusion disappears. You see how to make the most of your resources.At work you are in control and using your abilities to the best of your abilities.Your oal is in sight and you know how to achieve it.Success, rewards and rewards are likely to come your way. You are a source of inspiration to others.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes September 22nd - 29th 2015

Aries- Dear Aries, you are a perfectionist by nature and the cards validate that you will keep on striving till you excel at the task at hand. Keep your eyes and focus on your goal and keep marching towards it.This is a learning phase and you would benefit greatly if you gleaned as much knowledge as you can.There are times when you may be tempted to take shortcuts but remember, taking shortcuts is not going to help you in the long run.Give your career all you got, work diligently and hone your skills to a level of perfection.Set realistic goals and go after them. Learn to be more giving and spontaneous in your relationships.

Taurus- Exploring new ideas and unconventional ways of doing things attract you. Keep an open mind and respect and take others into consideration as well while taking a decision.You have matured and now comes a phase which encourages you to be on your own when it comes to handling finances.You bring your experience, knowledge and networking skills to the table and have a great chance of succeeding.Do not get hemmed in by negative thinking ,worn out ideas and methodologies.
Break out of the old mould and explore your options.Intellectual freedom and diversity ignite your imagination. Stand up for yourself and do not let others dominate you be diplomatic but not quarrelsome.

Gemini- Dear Gemini, you can breathe a sigh of relief.You can finally glimpse the relief and contentment that you are capable of experiencing. You can relax as you have struggled long enough.
Abundance and good fortune is finally knocking on your door.Success in a financial endeavour is assured and brings great satisfaction as you realise that you truly deserve it after the hard work you put in.There could be new opportunities, rewards and growth in your career. Some of you may land the coveted job or project you have set your heart on.Wishes come true as you are in tune with the universe.You feel loved and cherished by your loved ones.

Cancer- A time of peace and harmony dear Cancer, you are one with your inner being and feel the joy of oneness.If you are thinking of embarking on a new venture then perhaps it would be wise to seek a partner who shares the same vision as you do.You will be surprised to find investors readily available to help you out.Joint ventures, team work and partnerships are all favoured and will bring you greater profits than going solo.Intelligent mix of creativity and pragmatism will take you far.A mutually rewarding relationship that brings out the best in both of you.

Leo- Dear Leo, don't you think it is time you learnt to handle your own life and the environment around you.Take control of your life and make sure you are in control of your financial situation.You have the power to augment your income by using your talents wisely.Tap into the universal flow to increase your wealth.You or someone else is working behind the scenes to profit.In your work environment you have to be cautious as someone could try to manipulate a situation to gain control.There could be some hidden issues that you are not aware of.Power struggles are likely so watch your back and don't get involved in anything questionable.Control and manipulation or issues of power could be at work.

Virgo- Dear Virgo, this is the perfect time to turn the light inwards.Your mind is teeming with questions but instead of looking for answers outside look within and you will have your answers.It would be advisable to consider all financial matters carefully without any outside assistance or inputs.Perhaps it would be better to wait out this period and start afresh later.If you feel overburdened by financial responsibilities detach yourself from money and possessions.You have reached the end of your tether and you need to take some time out before you burn out.Renew your strength and don't let other people drain you.

Libra-Dear Libra the cards advise you to utilise information and communication channels to grow and succeed in your business undertakings.Take a venture in your hands and you will realise you have the power to turn it to your advantage.Honesty and a clear statement of facts is very important at this point of time.Exercise authority vested in you and use your intellect to produce positive outcomes.Do not be encumbered by outdated traditions in your relationship speak your mind if you want your needs to be met.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio there is a need for you to be more rational and objective. This card signifies the birth of a new idea or a business venture involving communication.Concentrate on your objective and trust your own judgement.Professionally the start of a new project awaits you, an occupation that utilises your intellect, communication skills and information channels.Concentrate totally on your goal and dont let anything distract you or dissipate your energy.You may need to further your education in order to improve your job prospects.A relationship based on friendship and shared ideas.

Sagitarius- Good cheer, joy and accomplishment greet you this week. You have faced challenges and have come out a winner.Success and financial gains are yours but they have not come easy.A victory is indicated in business and legal matters.You are in a good place professionally you may get an opportunity to switch jobs, achieve excellence in a project, you receive the rewards and recognition you deserve.A time of happiness, peace and cooperation.

Capricorn- Dear Capricorn, wisdom is born of experience and the great truths in life often come as a result of difficulty and suffering.You have been dealt some very hard knocks and you are still reeling from them.Gather your wits and get ready to fight some more. Use your knowledge and skills to generate an income but you will have to abide by the traditions and the rules set in place. Examine your attitude towards money- do you feel it is not spiritual to have money?Focus your attention on higher truths and spiritual laws there is lots to be learnt.In your job you have to work within an existing structure to get ahead. You could find yourself working in a field that involves knowledge, religion or a  profession bearing long standing traditions. Make your spiritual path your career.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius you really need to guard against boredom and stagnation.Introspect and discover what you really want.You are enamoured and attached to the worldly possessions you own or perhaps you are using them to fill the void within you and feel the emotional fulfillment you need.You feel dispirited, disappointed and stagnated but you cannot afford to leave as you are placing comfort and security above all else. This is the time to reassess your priorities and find something that offers you more opportunity for creative expression.A relationship lacks change, excitement or growth. Routine undermines your happiness.

Pisces-  Dear Pisces sharpen your mental prowess and use your knowledge to place yourself in a more commanding position.Leadership is called for stop dilly dallying and take financial matters in your hand. Do not reveal your plans till they have come to fruition.You job is based on intellectual pursuits and to act in a decisive, dispassionate manner is expected along with leadesrship skills.It would be advisable not to share information or before you get the answers you seek with anyone

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes 15th Sept - 22nd Sept 2015

Aries- Dear Aries it is time that you shatter the protective barriers you have made around yourselfIf you do not do the needful then nature will take over and do it for you. Embrace the changes that come when you let go false pretenses. A change in your financial situation could take place or a change in a job situation could come about that could surprise you. However welcome the transformation for it will result in greater freedom and independence of expression. Make sure you use channels of communications extensively professionally and personally.

Taurus- Dear Taurus it is time that you focused on pursuing your purpose in life.It is time you dispensed with freeloaders, activities and distractions that take you away from your path.A total commitment of heart, mind and energy is required if you want to prosper.Try to limit money making schemes to a few.In your work environment pay attention to details, dont let anything distract you from reaching your goal.If you want to work for what you want the sky is the limit. Be sincere in your relationships.

Gemini- Dear Gemini you have reached a point of exhaustion and you cannot take on anymore work or responsibility.Money issues could weigh you down as other people could be relying on you for emotional and financial support.You have more responsibility than you can comfortably handle. You feel burdened but can't set down your load yet as other people depend on you.You have to learn to delegate duties and responsibilities to relieve stress.Though these circumstances are tough they are pushing you to get stronger within yourself. You are committed and take love seriously.

 Cancer- Sharing is a beautiful gesture and we must all learn the art of sharing with one another.Allow others to help you and you in turn assist them.This is a great time for joint ventures and resources.There could be an opportunity that is enticing and prompts you to invest in a financial venture and partnership that promises mutual benefits.By partnering with another person or group you may greater profits than you anticipated.Teamwork, group activities and business partnership form the theme this week.Better sharing of resources and responsibilities will lead you to success.
Give and take is important in a relationship.

Leo- Dear Leo it is time to align yourself with the cyclic nature of life than to swim against it.Don't try to control anything over which you have no control just have faith that all is taken care of. Your finances will show a marked improvement and opportunities will come your way simply because you were at the right place at the right time. A lucky break could come to some of you and good fortune surrounds you a challenging situation could ease off without any effort from your end.

Virgo- Awaken the feminine power within you Virgo and acknowledge your feminine side.Over a period of time you have learnt the wise management of money and material resources.You could benefit from a group endeavour or a partnership if you so desire.Prosperity good fortune are indicated.You should learn to appreciate your own abilities to improve your self worth.Creative partnerships could materialise for those in employment and they would be advantageous for you.Do your best and bring in your creativity while executing an assignment or project.

Libra- Dear Libra it is time to look inward and listen to your intuition.Your intuition will come to your aid in financial matters or if you are too other worldly you could benefit from being practical.Let your inner voice guide you in work related decisions don't rely totally on practical solutions  or rational analyses.There could be somethings you need to look deeper into than accepting them at face value.Your instincts about a partner are right.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio you can bid goodbye to all your troubles and put them behind you.You have overcome challenges and you are much stronger now.Financial security and stability are indicated if you have incurred losses earlier. This is a period of recovery, however you may still have to wait a while before you achieve a position of unassailable strength and your assets reach a peak.You have an uncanny gift of bouncing back from any adversity continue working towards your goal. Better days ahead in love.

Sagitarius-  Dear Sagitarius it is time to settle disputes, right some wrongs and become more kind, considerate and selfless.A fair and equitable distribution of wealth is seen, a legal matter involving money and property will be decided in your favour if it is rightfully yours.The cards also warn you to acquire wealth through honest means.Balance, honesty and fairness are needed in your work.Perhaps a more equitable division of labour is required.

Capricorn- A costly lesson could be coming to you Capricorn as a result of being adamant and refusing to listen to others.There could be a sudden change in your financial standing and it would be prudent to make changes in your portfolio.A change in job, responsibilities is likely now.You may need to change your attitude or the way you perform your job.Better focus and avoiding confrontation could benefit your work.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius keeping an open mind and respecting other peoples ideas is called for.It is time for you to think for yourself in financial matters you can profit from your own ideas. If you feel hemmed in by your situation you should look elsewhere. There is a possibility negative attitudes maybe interfering with your business.Intellectual freedom and diversity inspire you and if you don't find them at your workplace then you should consider moving on

Pisces- Dear Pisces a period of passionate involvement with life approaches Your creativity is at its peak..It is time to bring your plans and ideas into actualisation. Publicise and promote in order to win big bucks.Express your creativity in a wholehearted and joyful manner. This is the time when applying creativity and enthusiasm is of utmost importance.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mystical Tarotscopes September 1st- 8th

Aries- Dear Aries, change and the cyclic nature of life advises you to seek harmony and go with the
flow rather than resist it.Things could be getting better for some of you.Financially you will realise there is an improvement and new business opportunities could come your way.Unexpected good turn in work or a challenging work situation resolves itself on its own. A relationship could take a turn for the better.

Taurus-Money matters look bright and bring with them new opportunities for growth and prosperity.Nurture your new endeavour as it can bring you great financial rewards.You have reached a stage now where you have started to take into practical matters.It is advisable that you look after your health at this point of time. Some of you land a plum job and enthusiastically look forward to shouldering your responsibilities.Be prepared to give it your all and leave the rest to the universe.A practical down to earth towards a relationship is needed.

Gemini- Dear Gemini you have gained wisdom but through a test of fire.You could be on the brink of physical exhaustion.Do not worry too much as worry only blocks the good from coming in your life.A crisis in a situation has been reached, a financial situation has reached it's limit perhaps resulting in losses or disarray, however this situation is not irreversible and can be rectified through right action.Professionals you took too much upon yourself and now you are reaching the limits.Do not over extend yourself and make sure all your actions are guided by honesty.In love a situation has gone on for long perhaps you have idealised the partner and the truth hurts.

Cancer- Change is upon you too Cancer, this change may inspire you to quit your job, let go of your assets and other things and move on to something different.A better opportunity could be in the offing but fear of change and letting go of worldly possessions hamper your growth. For working professionals relocation, change in responsibilities is likely.It is time to challenge yourself and take a few risks. a business trip could materialise.A lack of commitment and constancy is indicated, you or your partner may desire freedom and shun responsibility.

Leo- Dear Leo what is life if it's not busy? A time for action and trying out something new is very attractive.Things develop at a very fast pace there is urgency, excitement and development.Expect opportunities, information or rewards to come very soon.Professionals will have to think on their feet, execute and make decisions on the spur of the moment.You feel inspired, enthused and make rapid progress.Travel related to work could be on the cards.Spontaneous hasty marriage are sometimes indicated by this card.

Virgo- Dear Virgo you are getting impatient at the slow pace of growth.Stick with a plan or course of action even though you feel that things are moving at painstakingly slow speed.To profit you may have to put in a good deal of effort .Stend your ground and don't give up.In your job you are advised to work hard, set your priorities and invest energy and effort.Perseverance is the key dont let disappointments or other people steer you off course.Do what is necessary to make relationship work, difficulties can be resolved.

Libra-Dear Libra, you may as well wear the mantle of a leader and guide others. Integrity, steadfastness are extremely important in your business transactions.A new venture that promises great returns may come your way but you should be prepared to invest a great deal of your time and energy.If you are being a partnership then the partner can be termed trustworthy.Leadership skills in your work arena will see you taking wise decisions and inspiring trust in others.Your talents and efforts will not go unnoticed. A lively. warm and loving relationship between two people dedicated to each other.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio personal achievement, satisfaction and self worth all are indicated by this card.Rewards and success find their way to you. Your efforts bear fruit and financial ventures of a group nature pay dividends.You have finally achieved a position of financial security and plentitude.You have worked hard and now you can lap up all the adulation and appreciation coming your way.Emotional maturity and fulfillment in a loving relationship is indicated.

Sagitarius- Dear Sagi give up your self limiting attitudes that are making you your own worst enemy.Release these restrictions that are hampering you from moving forward. Besides your own self doubts and attitude your path could be blocked by interfering people around you.You could be undermining your own capabilities and could land up in a situation which renders you helpless.You are advised to not waste your talents and energy focus on one thing at a time and be persistent.Your problems are mainly in your mind and self created.Fear, lack of persistence or misunderstandings could prevent you from having a fulfilling relationship.

Capricorn- Dear Capricorn it would be wise to take stock of your life now. You are in a transitional phase and one part of your life journey is drawing to a conclusion. Would you like to venture into the new phase that awaits you with the baggage you have been carrying for so long. Think and let go off what is unnecessary.You need to make a major decision and this could catapult you in a different orbit altogether.It may be time to change jobs or even career path if you want to.What you do now will have far reaching implications. It is also a time for forgiveness and renewal people from your past could be coming into your life again.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius you are generally a peace loving soul but suddenly you find yourself in ego clashes, spats and petty squabbles that prevent you from making any progress.Disputes over property, resources, rights or territory.Confusion or disagreements may exist about how to make, use or spend money.Don't seek financial advice from others or begin a legal matter.Disarray and confusion disturb your work environment or career path.Stubbornness could be the culprit there.Ego battles in a relationship are indicated.

Pisces- Dear Pisces it is time to follow your dreams.It is time for you to do what you love doing and money will flow to you.You need to be astute enough to control your own financial matters than allow others to handle it.Channel your energy, enthusiasm and passion into your job if you want it to bear fruit.Success is likely but you need to stand up for your convictions.A passionate romance is indicated.