Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mystical Tarotscopes September 1st- 8th

Aries- Dear Aries, change and the cyclic nature of life advises you to seek harmony and go with the
flow rather than resist it.Things could be getting better for some of you.Financially you will realise there is an improvement and new business opportunities could come your way.Unexpected good turn in work or a challenging work situation resolves itself on its own. A relationship could take a turn for the better.

Taurus-Money matters look bright and bring with them new opportunities for growth and prosperity.Nurture your new endeavour as it can bring you great financial rewards.You have reached a stage now where you have started to take into practical matters.It is advisable that you look after your health at this point of time. Some of you land a plum job and enthusiastically look forward to shouldering your responsibilities.Be prepared to give it your all and leave the rest to the universe.A practical down to earth towards a relationship is needed.

Gemini- Dear Gemini you have gained wisdom but through a test of fire.You could be on the brink of physical exhaustion.Do not worry too much as worry only blocks the good from coming in your life.A crisis in a situation has been reached, a financial situation has reached it's limit perhaps resulting in losses or disarray, however this situation is not irreversible and can be rectified through right action.Professionals you took too much upon yourself and now you are reaching the limits.Do not over extend yourself and make sure all your actions are guided by honesty.In love a situation has gone on for long perhaps you have idealised the partner and the truth hurts.

Cancer- Change is upon you too Cancer, this change may inspire you to quit your job, let go of your assets and other things and move on to something different.A better opportunity could be in the offing but fear of change and letting go of worldly possessions hamper your growth. For working professionals relocation, change in responsibilities is likely.It is time to challenge yourself and take a few risks. a business trip could materialise.A lack of commitment and constancy is indicated, you or your partner may desire freedom and shun responsibility.

Leo- Dear Leo what is life if it's not busy? A time for action and trying out something new is very attractive.Things develop at a very fast pace there is urgency, excitement and development.Expect opportunities, information or rewards to come very soon.Professionals will have to think on their feet, execute and make decisions on the spur of the moment.You feel inspired, enthused and make rapid progress.Travel related to work could be on the cards.Spontaneous hasty marriage are sometimes indicated by this card.

Virgo- Dear Virgo you are getting impatient at the slow pace of growth.Stick with a plan or course of action even though you feel that things are moving at painstakingly slow speed.To profit you may have to put in a good deal of effort .Stend your ground and don't give up.In your job you are advised to work hard, set your priorities and invest energy and effort.Perseverance is the key dont let disappointments or other people steer you off course.Do what is necessary to make relationship work, difficulties can be resolved.

Libra-Dear Libra, you may as well wear the mantle of a leader and guide others. Integrity, steadfastness are extremely important in your business transactions.A new venture that promises great returns may come your way but you should be prepared to invest a great deal of your time and energy.If you are being a partnership then the partner can be termed trustworthy.Leadership skills in your work arena will see you taking wise decisions and inspiring trust in others.Your talents and efforts will not go unnoticed. A lively. warm and loving relationship between two people dedicated to each other.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio personal achievement, satisfaction and self worth all are indicated by this card.Rewards and success find their way to you. Your efforts bear fruit and financial ventures of a group nature pay dividends.You have finally achieved a position of financial security and plentitude.You have worked hard and now you can lap up all the adulation and appreciation coming your way.Emotional maturity and fulfillment in a loving relationship is indicated.

Sagitarius- Dear Sagi give up your self limiting attitudes that are making you your own worst enemy.Release these restrictions that are hampering you from moving forward. Besides your own self doubts and attitude your path could be blocked by interfering people around you.You could be undermining your own capabilities and could land up in a situation which renders you helpless.You are advised to not waste your talents and energy focus on one thing at a time and be persistent.Your problems are mainly in your mind and self created.Fear, lack of persistence or misunderstandings could prevent you from having a fulfilling relationship.

Capricorn- Dear Capricorn it would be wise to take stock of your life now. You are in a transitional phase and one part of your life journey is drawing to a conclusion. Would you like to venture into the new phase that awaits you with the baggage you have been carrying for so long. Think and let go off what is unnecessary.You need to make a major decision and this could catapult you in a different orbit altogether.It may be time to change jobs or even career path if you want to.What you do now will have far reaching implications. It is also a time for forgiveness and renewal people from your past could be coming into your life again.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius you are generally a peace loving soul but suddenly you find yourself in ego clashes, spats and petty squabbles that prevent you from making any progress.Disputes over property, resources, rights or territory.Confusion or disagreements may exist about how to make, use or spend money.Don't seek financial advice from others or begin a legal matter.Disarray and confusion disturb your work environment or career path.Stubbornness could be the culprit there.Ego battles in a relationship are indicated.

Pisces- Dear Pisces it is time to follow your dreams.It is time for you to do what you love doing and money will flow to you.You need to be astute enough to control your own financial matters than allow others to handle it.Channel your energy, enthusiasm and passion into your job if you want it to bear fruit.Success is likely but you need to stand up for your convictions.A passionate romance is indicated.


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