Saturday, July 24, 2021

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes from 24th July- 31st July



Dear Aries don't fret too much, things are not as bad as they seem. Though you may experience fear, negativity, guilt and sadness about a money matter but all is not lost. You need to think objectively, open your eyes and face the truth where a financial situation is concerned. Negativity may be preventing your success, do not allow other people decide for you what action you should take. Do not dwell on problems but find a solution to your problem. In love there is pain caused by the insensitivity of another.


Dear Taurus, You may start earning money from something you feel passionately about. An opportunity that engages your imagination and talents could come your way.Now is the time to put your heart and soul into a project, job or business venture. Optimism and confidence are good assets to have. A new romance or a burst of enthusiasm in an existing relationship.


Dear Gemini, There could be communication involving money, do analyse your financial  matters yourself rather than relying on someone else. Develop your confidence instead of following orders or others plans. Invest time and energy in updating your ability and skills. An immature, analytical or detached approach to a relationship.


Dear Cancer, a venture or investment has potential but it is not yet fully developed. At work an opportunity comes that offers you the potential for creative expression and excitement. Although it may not offer you top billing right now it has  potential. A relationship or marriage based on openness in love.


 Dear Leo, 
It is likely that a few individuals/circumstances that you have depended on as being present  for you might not be there in the same manner. This doesn't need to be disappointing; change is the way of life. If you have been day dreaming and building castles in the air they will be replaced by reasonable and reachable dreams and objectives.There could be a shake up in your financial sector and it could occur unexpectedly. Sudden change in your job situation could also unsettle you. It would be wise to remember that once the old structure is destroyed you can find greater independence.You will get through this time just fine; particularly if you remember that you have all the resources you need,      already inside you, to deal with life and to do what you need to do.


Dear Virgo, you may have lot of money making schemes going on in your head but they are all unlikely to pan out. Perhaps you are being unrealistic and need to examine them carefully. Explore different possibilities to find the right job for you. A job opportunity that seems too good to be true should be examined closely. As you indulge in romantic fantasies you should remember that you can't have it all and must decide what really matters.


Dear Libra, there could be a difference of opinion regarding a moneymaking venture , don't allow others to confuse you. Lack of clarity causes confusion in a work related matter, have faith in yourself and take care of details even though you may not be sure of the outcome. Try to be tactful and don't push it at work and in relationships.


Dear Scorpio, do not get too attached to money and material things.In your drive to acquire wealth you may be losing sight of other areas that are important too. Perhaps you stay in a job that you hate but are afraid to make a change. In love do see the situation clearly and do not be obsessed by the person.


Dear Sagitarius, you thrive in work matters, achieving a high level of status. There is an older male who could provide you assistance.This man will be liberal towards you as far as giving you his time, backing or exhortation and you would do well to pay attention to him. It can likewise be a sign that you might be fit to a profession in finance, business, banking or all the more Earthly fields. As far as money matters is considered it should be good going. A marriage or relationship that is mature and supports each others growth and well being.


Dear Capricorn, the excitement of earning big bucks is going to be punctuated by established rules and regulations. In an office you will have to play by the rules or operate within an existing structure to get ahead. You could be working in a field that involves knowledge, religion or long standing traditions.  You may feel the urge to combine  your spiritual path with your career.
Your relationship brings about the best in you both. It also indicates marriage.


Dear Aquarius, money issues may be weighing you down. Perhaps other people rely on you for support or your financial situation impacts others, so you must continue to carry the burden. You have more responsibility or work than you can comfortably handle. You feel burdened but can't set down your load yet, try to delegate duties and authority to relieve stress. The ten represents a mature and responsible attitude towards relationships.


Dear Pisces, things are settling down, moving from turbulent waters to peaceful waters. You have the knowledge to make wise decisions.You also  have the ability to resolve past problems. Though you certainly have been through the wringer but surely and slowly you will see things moving in your favour. In business use your network to help you advance and be successful. Perhaps travel will play a role in making money. A time of love and understanding between you and your partner.Try to put your problems behind you.


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