Saturday, June 26, 2021

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes from 27th June- 3rd July



Aries- Dear Aries Patience and persistence is needed right now, pay attention to details and do your best at all you undertake. Don't rush things take your time and don't give up hope during this time of slow development.Continue applying your energy and focus towards your goals.Keep working at your relationship, taking small steps forward.


 Taurus- Dear Taurus,  a job or an opportunity that you are passionate about and that offers you the potential for creative expression and excitement. Although you may not get top billing if you persevere you will reach a good position. A business venture or investment has potential but it needs to develop fully. A relationship is based on mutual affection and openness.


Gemini- Dear Gemini, now has come a time when you can take a breather. Life has been an uphill climb for you lately but now you will see little episodes of peace and positivity. the worst is finally over and now you are heading towards better times. All your experiences propel you towards ultimate goal of enlightenment.You have the information and knowledge that can take you far. Make informed decisions about finances, travel may play a role in making money.Your goal is within sight and can be achieved by applying your knowledge and experience.You are being asked to utilise your networking skills to lead you to advancement. Perhaps a business trip will materialise soon. If you are unhappy with your job then perhaps it is time you move on to a better one .A harmonious partnership where you can communicate easily.


Cancer- Dear Cancer this is an awesome time for travel if you can figure out how to escape. You ought to be charged, brimming with vitality, and ready to do things. Your self-assurance is on the rise and this ought to help you toward your objectives. This card is known to be a message bearer, and the messages are prone to be positive and identified with work or vocation.  You might be requested to travel in your job this ought to go well and you will have many memorable moments to cherish. In work if you are looking for a job you can be sure of landing the perfect job you have been wanting.Perhaps you need to be more adventurous in your relationship.


Dear Leo, the time has come for you to productively use your ideas and do what you most love and the money will follow. Channel all your energy and enthusiasm into a job, business or project if you want it to bear fruit. Success is likely but a direct and assertive approach is needed. A very passionate relationship where both partners openly express their love.


Virgo- Dear Virgo  no matter what, you will win over a situation that bothered you. You have to remember you can't rush things.  An investment may need time to grow or a financial situation may need time to improve, you must be patient. You are energetic, inspired and determined to remove obstacles that appear on your way. At work do not try to push things, take this opportunity to gain skills, knowledge, or experience. It is possible that you can travel immediately on work assignments. In a relationship this is not the right time for a long term relationship or the right person has not appeared in your life.


Libra- Dear Libra, this is the time to share your resources and prosperity.An opportunity to participate in a financial venture or partnership could come your way. This could promise mutual benefits to everyone. By joining another person or a group you could earn greater profits than anticipated. At work teamwork, group projects and assignments pave the way. Share your resources with your partner so both of you could prosper.


Scorpio- Dear Scorpio, enjoy the financial ease and stability that is round the corner. This is truly a great time for starting an investment, business or other money matters, this should work out in your favour. A project or job undertaken now is likely to provide comfort and fulfilment to you. Pay attention to details and be sure to review your work time to time.  A happy relationship or marriage.


Sagittarius- Dear Sagittarius you are holding on to people, possessions or your past very tightly. This indicates that there are deep seated issues that need to be processed by you. On the other hand there is also a possibility that someone else could be holding onto you in a very possessive or toxic way. You have accumulated wealth or your investments are solid, a work situation is stable and secure.You are also valued by your organisation. However there is a possibility you could be in a job that you no longer enjoy because it provides status and money. A relationship or marriage that has become too structured and lacks  excitement.


Capricorn- Dear Capricorn, develop clarity so you can follow your own truth accept your limitations and learn more before trying to advance.Indecision and confusion may be causing difficulties in a financial matter. Arguments, difference of opinions regarding money could erupt.Try to deter people from interfering in your life so you can see things clearly.This is the time to be firm. At work try to listen and learn more. Confusion keeps you from taking decisions. Lack of firmness has resulted in some lost opportunities or setbacks.Avoid challenges from other people, don't make enemies now.Strive for understanding in your relationship.


Aquarius-  Dear Aquarius, a costly lesson could be coming to you as a result of being adamant and refusing to listen to others.There could be a sudden change in your financial standing and it would be prudent to make changes in your portfolio.A change in job, responsibilities is likely now.You may need to change your attitude or the way you perform your job. Better focus and avoiding confrontation could benefit your work. Try not to be too critical or harsh towards a partner


Pisces- Dear Pisces success and financial gains are yours for the asking. You enjoy success and satisfaction in your job. You could win a victory, land the perfect job or achieve excellence in a challenging endeavour.  This is a time for action and advancement, you reap the rewards and get the recognition due to you. A time of happiness and peace with a partner.


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