Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes November 24th -December 1st 2015

Aries-  Dear Aries you have had enough pf people advising you to do things their way, it is time for you to come into your own and prove your mettle. Gain control of your life, align yourself with the will of the divine and tap the universal energy.Keep an eye on your money matters and learn to use your talents wisely.You have the capabilities of generating another stream of income through your talent.At work be careful as someone may be trying to gain power secretly,power struggles are likely.Watch your back and don't reveal everything you know.

Taurus- Dear Taurus be brave, decisive and let your creativity gather steam. Approach life with passion and confidence.Try to be respectful and loyal to others and they will reciprocate in kind.
Integrity and persistence is required in a project and financial matters, an ambitious venture will succeed only through dedication, effort.Financial support seems forthcoming and if you are approached for partnership, he could very well turn out to be trustworthy.Leadership skills are called for at work to inspire and to instill trust in others.Your talents and efforts have a good chance of being recognised now. A lively warm relationship, loyalty is important.Don't expect someone who is already attached to leave his or her mate.

Gemini- Dear Gemini you have gained wisdom after going through a very tough phase. True wisdom does not come from external sources but internally.This card guides you to pick yourself up after a period of losses and endings and to move on but never forget what you learnt from this experience.A situation has reached its limit and now it is time for it to end.You are overworked and exhausted, perhaps worrying too much and wearing yourself out. Sometimes this crisis is brought on by dishonesty, misconceptions and overextending yourself.However the right action can bring success.Take care of your health.

Cancer- Dear Cancer this phase symbolizes an ending of a major phase. You need to shed behaviours, attitudes, lifestyle or people who are hindering your growth.This card symbolizes an end of one phase and beginning of another,Though the change can be painful at that time but soon it will transform  your life.There could be an end to a financial matter to make room for new growth.Sometimes this card signifies an end of a career path and a beginning of another.In a relationship if its no longer satisfying seek a more fulfilling partnership.Change the way you relate to a partner.

Leo- Dear Leo a period of harmony, contentment and comfort.You feel good about yourself and your place in life. There is financial ease and stability to enjoy.A good time to get someone to invest in your business venture should work in your favour. Success and contentment come after a period of hard work. Pay attention to details and be sure to follow through.Stability, happiness and harmony in a relationship.

Virgo- Dear Virgo organization and practicality are needed, financial success and monetary gains can be yours but you must take responsibility for how you use and invest resources. All likelihood of attaining prosperity and abundance are present.A stable career, business venture or managing material resources are likely if you bring in good organization, courage and honesty in your work.A serious and mature partnership between people who support each other's growth.

Libra- Dear Libra, this is a time for great joy, happiness and freedom.You are likely to feel more cheerful and carefree than you have felt in a while. Brighter days lie ahead where financial problems disappears and clarity sets in, where you see how to make the most of your resources. At work you are in control you see your goals clearly and how to achieve them.Success, rewards and recognition are likely to come your way.Contentment, openness and a strong bond between two people is signified.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio it is time to let go of all limiting ideas, behaviour patterns in order for more positivity and prosperity to come in. If there is an outdated idea of anger or unforgiveness in your heart just open your heart and let it go and you will see the change it brings to your life. Financially you may have to let go something secure that prevents you from moving forward. At work things maybe moving very slowly,reflect and try to make a shift if you can help the situation or relax and let things develop at their own pace. If you still find things restricting then it's time to look for a new job which is challenging.You may need to relinquish egoistic tendencies for the good of your relationship.It is crucial you do not think or say anything negative about your life.

Sagittarius- Dear Sagitarius are you crying over something that is over or is in the process of ending?
The answer for you is that you have grown beyond your present situation and must move forward.This phase may bring in some disappointments although temporary.Perhaps an investment hasn't paid off  or you have incurred unexpected expenses. Cut your losses and move on to something better.Work too is dissatisfying and you feel your talents are being wasted or are not appreciated.It is better to look for something more rewarding. A relationship could have disappointed you do what is necessary to rectify the situation.

Capricorn- Dear  Capricorn you are trying to balance two major areas of your life at the moment.
It could be your job and health or any other two areas. Be sure to pay attention to finances as that is a very important area. Do not initiate major changes or expect big results at this time.Money may come and slip out quickly from  your pocket. You may have to juggle your resources.Changes in job or work environment are likely, resulting in instability and uncertaintyPerhaps you feel impatient because you dont see much progress being made.Be content with slow growth for the time being.Restlessness in a relationship perhaps you need to handle responsibilities or money in a more balanced way.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius this is a time of joy and accomplishment, of celebration and glory.You have been tested and you have come out a winner.Success and financial gains can now be yours after a period of hard work and struggle.In legal matters and financial ventures this card signifies victory.An investment should pay off.Success in work, landing the perfect job, client or achieve success in a challenging endeavour.A time of happiness and cooperation with your partner.

Pisces- Dear Pisces develop clarity so you can follow your own truth accept your limitations and learn more before trying to advance.Indecision and confusion may be causing difficulties in a financial matter.Arguments,difference of opinions regarding money could erupt.Try to deter people from interfering in your life so you can see things clearly.This is the time to be firm. At work try to listen and learn more.Confusion keeps you from taking decisions. Lack of firmness has resulted in some lost opportunities or setbacks.Avoid challenges from other people, don't make enemies now.Strive for understanding in your relationship.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes November 17th- 24th 2015

Aries-  Dear Aries, this is the time to bring more harmony, balance and peace into your life. Make an attempt to right all wrongs and let compassion pave the way.Keep yourself grounded and get connected to your fellow human beings.This card urges you to be fair and just in all your actions, let there be equitable distribution of wealth and responsibilities.If there is a court case going on regarding some financial matter or property it is likely to be decided in your favour if it is rightfully yours.Acquire wealth through fair means and for the good of others.Balance, fairness and balance is required in your work sphere.A more fair delegation of responsibilities and rights have to be dispensed with.This is also a time when tensions abate and life moves smoothly.Fair play , honesty and consideration are needed in a relationship. Be moderate where your health is concerned.

Taurus- Dear Taurus this is a great time to give more of yourself to others and receive in return.It is important that you bring all the facets of your personality into one whole.This phase brings joint resources and partnerships.A partner's abilities, capital or connections can benefit you financially and vice versa.Uniting your efforts you improve your prospects.For people working a chance of creative partnership in which two people join their talents to produce an inspired outcome.Combining your capabilities you can accomplish more than going solo.In a relationship harmonious flow of affection between two people.

Gemini- Dear Gemini take care of mundane, physical or financial matters.Be honest,gentle,patient and dependable in all areas of life.Money comes to you as a result of hard work or through sound investments.Be practical with money matters and stabilize your financial situation.In a working situation self reliance is called for, now it is time for you to brace yourself and make it on your own through hard work, perseverance and dependability.This card can also symbolise a job producing such as farming, manufacturing or construction.This card indicates stability and loyalty in a relationship.

Cancer- Dear Cancer personal satisfaction, achievement, and self esteem.You are at a place where you have reached a level of comfort and content with with the life you have created.A time of rewards and success.Financial ventures particularly those of a collective nature start paying dividends.You are reaching a position of financial security and comfort.Appreciation, glory and appreciation for professionals. You have worked hard and proved your ability.This phase brings respect, rewards and a sense of satisfaction you deserve.Emotional maturity and fullfilment, a supportive and loving relationship.

Leo- Dear Leo a time of peace, contentment and comfort draws for you.You feel good about your yourself and the status you have achieved, knowing that you have worked hard for it.A time of financial ease approaches, if you are looking at receiving financial backing for a venture then it should work out in your favour.For working professionals success and satisfaction arrive after a period of hard work. A project undertaken now is likely to bring great satisfaction.Be careful to dot all the i's and cross all the ts.This card signifies happiness, stability and harmony in a relationship.

Virgo- Dear Virgo you have struggled and one by one you have learned life's lessons well and you are exactly at the place where you ought to be.Everything is unfolding according to divine plan.A financial venture will come to fruition at it's own pace .Thoroughness in regards to business is important at this time. Everything moves at it's own pace, your goals can be achieved as they are in sync with the times though t may seem as if things are moving at a very slow pace.Pay attention and bring in knowledge you have learned in the past to achieve a positive result.A relationship develops at a very slow, steady pace.

Libra- Dear Libra, suddenly you feel restricted by your circumstances and feel the need for change and freedom.You have grown beyond your present situation and must move forward. This may ental bidding goodbye to some people and places. Business wise this time is not appropriate as you could incurr losses though they would be temporary. It is better if you do not throw good money over bad and cut your losses and move on.Work gives you no satisfaction and you feel as if your talents are being wasted and they are not being appreciated.Perhaps a situation has not turned out as expected, it is time to let go and move on.A relationship needs that you rectify the situation and move on.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio you need to follow your own truth and for that you need to seek clarity.Indecision, arguments, difference of opinion may exist regarding money.Other people could be a major source of interference in your ability to see things clearly .It is time to take control and stop being indecisive.In work you need to learn more and polish your skills before you take on anything new.Your indecisive nature has resulted in lost opportunities in the past do not let that scenario play in your present.Recognise your limitations, seek clarity and avoid confrontations with others.

Sagitarius- Dear Sagitarius  set aside time out to introspect and to hear the inner guidance. Your life has become extremely busy and you are heading towards a burn out. Instead of trying to manage things on the outside look within and ten to the world within..Be vigilant in regards to a money related matter and don't look for inputs from others.If conceivable pull back from a circumstance till the dust settles down and after that approach a situation.At work you feel dispirited and need to renew your energies after a period of stress and confusion.It would be wise to keep your distance from people who drain you. You could have stress or upsets in your relationship.

Capricorn- Dear Capricorn you can breathe a sigh of relief, your troubles are behind you now.This is a period of consolidation of your finances.If you have suffered losses iin the past, this card signifies a reversal.However there is still time to reach a position of unassailable strength and your assets reach a peak. Don't give up as you are strong enough to weather the challenges.At work you will have the ability to rebound from setbacks and work towards your goals.The worst is finally over and success lies ahead.In relationship better days lie ahead where you resolve your difficulties.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius you will soon see the veils parting and will see the truth quite clearly.Follow your gut in a financial matter but be cautious being too other worldly may cost you money.In your work be guided by your intuition and trust your hunches too.Try to look deeper into certain situations instead of accepting them at face value.Your instinct about a partner are correct.

Pisces- Dear Pisces follow your dreams and don't be led astray by nay Sayers.It is time to apply your time and effort intelligently. Do what you love and abundance will follow you to your door.Be careful about money matters,there are chances of you sharing your prosperity with others.Channel your energies and passion in your job or project and it will bear fruit. Stand up for what you believe in. A passionate romance in which both the partners express their love openly.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes November 3rd- 10th 2015

Aries- Dear Aries, you have the tools to manifest whatever you want in your life and in your environment.Try to align yourself with the divine will and tap the energy of the universe.Money matters need to be looked into deeply and controlled by you.You have great potential and talent to augment your fortune wisely.Tap into the universal flow to increase your wealth.This card can also suggest that you or someone else is working behind the scenes to profit. Someone could either be working secretly to gain power and control to get what they want. Hidden issues as yet unknown to you may exist. Watch your back and dont get involved in dubious deals.Control, manipulation or issues of power may be at work in a relationship.

Taurus- Dear Taurus, learn to trust others and be receptive to them.Revealing your true self does not put you in a vulnerable position.Do not let your emotions influence your business decisions, be vigilant and take care of your assets and property but be thoughtful towards others.Learn to give yourself fully to a venture or a relationship.At work there could be some control issues or power struggle.There could be someone controlling or territorial not wanting to lose ground.Be mindful of this situation and try to soothe ruffled feathers with your creativity and gentleness.

Gemini- Dear Gemini, take time out to introspect and to hear the inner guidance. Your life has become busy and you are on the verge of exhaustion trying to deal with the challenges in the outer world.Be discerning regarding a financial matter and do not seek inputs from others.If possible withdraw from a situation till the dust settles down and then approach a situation.You may experience a burn out and it is imperative that you take time off and renew your strength and let go off stress.Stress, quarrels with a partner could leave you drained.

Cancer- Dear Cancer, you may not like it but there are people looking up to you to guide them.You will have to take up a leadership role and stop hesitating.Develop your mental powers and knowledge to place yourself in a more commanding position. Do not reveal any information or sources before it is time.Learn to practice detachment and don't let your feelings get the better off you. This card denotes a career based on communication or intellectual pursuits.You will be required to take dispassionate decisions.Be focused and clear about your responsibilities and goals. A relationship based on ideas, communication or abstractions rather than deep feeling.

Leo- Dear Leo, stop postponing certain things and make up your mind. If you have promised something to someone then please honour it.There is likelihood of your finances becoming stagnant or the flow suddenly drying up, it is an indication that you need a change and new opportunities could be beneficial.On the other hand your timid and indecisive nature could be playing pranks and not allowing you to commit yourself completely to the business at hand.Whatever the case investigate fully before you take on new new ventures.Change of job for professionals will bring in fresh life energies to your career. Learn to commit yourself because your inconsistency prevents you from moving forward.In a relationship perhaps you want to keep your options open or you fear that you maybe hurt or controlled by your partner.

Virgo- Dear Virgo, all work and no play makes you dull. It is time to connect with your inner child and learn to be more lighthearted and playful. Do the things that you loved doing as a kid and approach life with a childlike curiosity and joy.You maybe interested in a project that has great potential but is still immature and needs time to develop.In a job you may get an opportunity to express creativity and excitement but financially may not get you top billing.Develop your skills and talents and see this as a step in the right direction.Stay away from people who want to dampen your enthusiasm.Openness, optimism and enthusiasm in a relationship.

Libra- Dear Libra ego clashes and entrenched behaviour could mar your plans of moving forward.
Be cautious as disputes could arise over resources, property, ideas and territory.Disagreements and confusion may result as to how to use, make or spend money.There could be losses resulting if you do not pay attention to practicalities. At work too confusion, arguments, discord and disarray could disrupt your work.Egotism and stubbornness interfere with progress.Be practical instead of being idealistic .Petty squabbles and ego battles could flare up between you and your partner.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio, keep an open mind and be receptive to new ideas that come from others as well as your own.Try to explore unconventional philosophies or taking the road less travelled would benefit you. Being independent in financial matters and thinking for oneself is good for you.You have a likelihood of profiting from your ideas, experience or connections.If the situation is too limiting try to look elsewhere.Negative attitudes could be affecting with your prosperity. This card represents a breakthrough.Intellectual freedom and diversity is very important in work at this time. Perhaps you could change that but be careful of any direct confrontation and arguments.Be diplomatic but stand up for your thoughts.

Sagitarius- Dear Sagitarius this is the time for something new that signifies potential growth.Your creative energy awakens and so does your confidence in yourself. You are tempted to invest in a creative endeavour and may start earning money from something you are passionate about.Seek new adventures and opportunities.An opportunity that engages your imagination, talents and creativity could come your way please do not let it slip away put your heart and soul into this project, job or assignment . Success is likely only if you are ready to invest the energy to make it happen.A passionate new romance or a burst enthusiasm in an existing relationship is indicated.

Capricorn- Dear Capricorn you are at the end of your tether and nearing exhaustion.You took on too much and you need to take a break from this unending cycle of hard work and stress. There are issues to be dealt with and money is a major issue. Perhaps other people are dependent on you financially and rely on your support or your financial situation impacts others.There is more responsibility and work than you can handle but can't put your load down yet as other people depend on you.Try to delegate duties and authority to relieve stress.Though the situation you are labouring under are exhausting but they will push you to learn and grow.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius A time for action and trying out something new is very attractive.Things develop at a very fast pace there is urgency, excitement and development.Expect opportunities, information or rewards to come very soon.Professionals will have to think on their feet, execute and make decisions on the spur of the moment.You feel inspired, enthused and make rapid progress.Travel related to work could be on the cards.Spontaneous hasty marriage are sometimes indicated by this card.

Pisces- Dear Pisces A project or endeavour will mature quite fast..See to it that you do not initiate major changes or expect fantastic results.Money will have a habit of slipping in and out of your pockets quickly.Financial stability is a little further so be cautious.There is a possibility of you juggling with two situations and having two sources of income, For professionals job change or change in role and responsibility is indicated, budget your time, energy and resources at this time.