Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes 26th May- 2nd June 2015

Aries- Dear ARIES wise application of the knowledge and experience you have gained leads to stability and security.This phase sees you focusing on building your assets and gaining control of your finances.You are either in the process of accumulating wealth or planning to invest in something of a great value.Professionally the situation is satisfying, your abilities and talents are appreciated and become a source of income.If you feel your heart is no longer in your job then it would be better to look for more challenging opportunities.

Taurus- Change is upon you dear Taurus, you may be tempted to let go of financial investments,property, businesses and move on to something that consumes you totally.A chane in job, relocation or shift in responsibilities is in the offing.This phase encourages you to challenge yourself and rise above them.Your skills and talents need to be used to the fullest and also leave the old beaten track and follow your inspiration.In a relationship commitment is essential.

Gemini-Dear Gemini,, till yesterday the barriers you put around yourself were safe enough but now the energy of this card is going to tear down the barriers one by one leaving you vulnerable and helpless.A major change is foreseen in your finances this shake up may result in loss of some kind.This change though sudden and life changing will pull the rug from under your feet but as a result your false sense of security crumbles and leaves you with a sense of freedom and independence.

Cancer- Dear Cancer it is time to align yourself and your desires with the universe.There is no need to cling to old out dated modes of thinking and working. Follow your passion and do what inspires you and totally engrosses you and you will see that money and good fortune will seek you out.Focus your energies on a special project,business or an assignment and you will see positive results from that venture.Defend your ideas and stand up for yourself and what you believe in.

Leo- You are at peace dear Leo knowing what you have achieved and now contentment and security engulf you.There is a sense of purposeful intent behind all that you plan.If you are looking for investors then you shll find them.A job undertaken now is likely to provide comfort and contentment be prepared to be follow through on your commitments.Happiness, harmony and stability in a relationship.

Virgo- Dear Virgo it is important to learn to give and reciprocate. This will not only bring people who can help you into your life but they will reciprocate the gesture.An opportunity that promises mutual benefits and shared resources will present itself shortly.By joining forces with them you will reap rich dividends and receive financial backing.Professionally teamwork, group activities and partnerships leads the way to success.People who complement your abilities will give you an opportunity to work on an important project.

Libra- Dear Libra a card of fulfillment promises good returns from a financial venture.Share and use your resources for the good of your community .A time to share and celebrate your good fortune with your loved ones. You feel loved, secure and wanted being surrounded by people you care for.You will soon think of forming a collaborative effort with the help of others.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio try to use money and resources in an intelligent manner and your fortune will shine.Partnerships, teamwork and joint ventures could prove beneficial.Use your business acumen  and management skills to manage and nurture people.  A  job promises fulfillment

Sagitarius- Dear Sagi, there is a tendency for you to control everything and do things your way. Well, this is not the time for indulging in any of those antics but to learn to delegate work and responsibilities so that you don't breakdown.Financial matters could be on your mind and you are worried as there could be others who are dependent on you and need your support.It is a big burden  that you are carrying but remember you are growing and getting stronger day by day.

Capricorn- Dear Cappy, pursue your purpose in life and avoid people, activities and situations that distract you from your path.Focus on making the best from your resources that is possible through commitment of heart and mind.Limit your investments or money making schemes to a minimum.In professional life getting totally engrossed in your work would be beneficial  pay attention to details.This is a period where if you are totally committed to your goal you can succeed beyond you r dream 

Aquarius-- A phase of peace, harmony and love begins.You feel aligned to the universe and feel a great sense of peace around you.Try to find a trustworthy partner for business as allying yourself with a partner could prove beneficial.Joint ventures team work and partnerships are advised..Great love and understanding flows through your relationship with someone special and family members too.Your creativity at this time is awakening open yourself joyfully to new challenges.

Pisces- Dear Pisces your own mindset at this time is proving to be your worst enemy.Release self limiting attitudes that are blocking your growth. People could try to dissuade you or try to overrule you but do not undermine yourself or get into a position where your hands are tied. Consolidate what you have instead of diversifying.Don't let your fears hold you back many possibilities exist.Your problems are mostly in your mind and self created.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes from 19th May- 26th May 2015

Aries- Dear Aries,you are gradually and doubtlessly arriving where you need to be.Over a period of time you have learnt and now you actualize your ideas and insights, .Over a period of time you have learnt and now you implement your knowledge, you take care and wisely manage your resources and feel a sense of security.At this point of time you will benefit most by joining others in a creative partnership or business venture. Use your talents wisely and execute your duties responsibly.It is critical for you to unite with your female self, regardless of the truth whether you are male or female, what is vital is that you express your  conscious and empathetic nature.

Taurus- Dear Taurus, you have worked hard in the past and have evolved as an individual in your own esteem. You have conviction, inner strength and security.Wealth and property figure prominently in your card there is a possibility of you coming into money or using your family wealth for your own purposes.Prosperity and plentitude are likely.It is important you use your skills and resources to help others by participating in humanitarian projects. A relationship will support and assist your talents and increase your self worth.


Gemini- Dear Gemini, there is a need for you to go deep within and confront your fears, negative attitudes, memories or secret issues you need to work on.Financially if there is a deal on the horizon please insist on transparency and clarity there could be hidden issues that you are unaware of.There is a transition going on at the moment and things tend to be confusing, perhaps a more realistic approach would help.For those of you in the creative arena bring more creativity in your work to earn big bucks.

Cancer- Focus on routine dear Cancer as routine is what keeps us grounded. Learn to be patient, faithful, practical and responsible at all times and in every sphere.Prosperity comes as a result of hard work and mindful planning.Stability can be achieved by being practical about money matters and cutting down  wasteful expenditures.Growth is just round the corner but expect slow and steady pace instead of windfall.Being more patient and realistic in a relationship will pay you good dividends.

Leo- Dear Leo you have arrived at a stage in your life where you are more grounded inside yourself and you have been endeavoring to surrender all the old stuff that you have been overburdened with for ages.You have  confronted your reasons for fear and insecurities dauntlessly. Set aside time for yourself and introspect and ask yourself what else could be keeping you far from being happy and satisfied ? Are there any old affinities that keep you from pushing ahead or are there people obstructing your path? Be determined and beat these issues for they are impediments to development and prosperity.You have been subject to others for a long time and now you have to make sense of how to stand tall on your own.

Virgo- There is a great need dear Virgo to think for yourself and become self sufficient. Developing your self esteem and following your own ideas is imperative instead of blindly following others.If you want to succeed it is important that you improve your skills and education.Someone you work with may not be very trustworthy.You may receive news regarding your finances and in order to be safe and secure you need to tackle all financial issues yourself instead of depending on others.


 Libra- Dear Libra,wearing yourself thin is going to make you more exhausted and unable to cope with the demands being made on you. Every situation has an end and you have reached the inevitable.You have overextended yourself, worked diligently and there is nothing more you can do about it.A financial situation has reached it's peak resulting in disappointment, losses and chaos.You have however learnt an invaluable lesson and you shall use this to make things work for you in the future.

Scorpio-  Dear Scorpio, this is a time of emotional resumption and an indication of better times to come.You have the ability to be eloquent, receptive and creative in all that you undertake.This card represents a connect between your past and your present regarding finances.It indicates repayment of a debt or an improvement in your finances after a period of inconsistency.There is a possibility of an offer of collaboration that could come to you, you sense a change of attitude within and pursue your work with renewed enthusiasm.Perhaps acquiring new skills enriches your job experience or the service you are into.

Sagitarius- The greatest advise for you Sagi is to face up to challenges and accept new opportunities. This is not the time to hesitate but to be resolute and follow things through.Stagnation in finances and job could set in which indicates that it is time to change your environment. Hesitancy and timidity could be hampering your growth and lack of commitment could be preventing you from realising your true potential.An opportunity to utilise your talent and imagination could present itself be sure to give it your best shot.

Capricorn- Dear Cappy you have been tested and tried and you have emerged as a winner. Accomplishment, achievement and financial rewards are yours to claim after the hard work that you put in.Business ventures will thrive and legal matters languishing in the courts may be decided in your favour. Professionals enjoy a period of great productivity and satisfaction in your work. You could end up chasing challenging assignments or landing the perfect job.This is the time for getting the just rewards and recognition due to you.

Aquarius-  Time for some reflection dear Aquarius, you need freedom and independence to mature and evolve as an individual. There is a need within you to come upon what really matters to you but to find your own particular truth you need solitude and introspection. Set aside a few minutes for yourself. Withdraw from the universe of material and physical resources and concentrate on the pearls inside of you. This change will liberate and it will free you of the requirement for support from others.   

   Pisces- Dear Pisces, there is an element of imagination and fantasy surrounding you, however there is a complexity as you are not being realistic.There are countless plans going around in your mind yet the vast majority of them will stay just plans and will fail to materialise. Be practical and find new and distinctive pathways to create regular source of income. Work or task that animates your creative energy and imaginative nature could come to you, nonetheless it would be insightful to inspect everything completely before you take up the offer. In a relationship you must be more sensible and choose what truly matters to you.                                                   

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dear Viewers I will not be able to post the Tarotscopes today due to my health I will post them tomorrow.
Thank you and stay blessed

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes May 12th- May 19th 2015

Aries- Dear Aries your emotions are playing havoc with you and they are not allowing you to focus on anything. Try to get hold on yourself and concentrate on the job at hand.Go within and try to identify the fears, blocks or insecurities that are looking need to be addressed.At work things are in a transitory phase and some matters could come out in the open.There could be a financial matter that needs a close scrutiny from your side.

Taurus- A new dawn is breaking for you Taurus and it carries with it a parcel of goodies. New venture,occupation that permits you to express your inventiveness and enthusiasm,new encounters and potential for growth. You are being requested by the cards to put your complete self into an undertaking , employment or business venture.Something you are enthusiastic about could undoubtedly turn into a wellspring of income for you.Success is coming soon yet you must be prepared to buckle down with sincerity.

Gemini-Dear Gemini, you have grown past your circumstance and you have to advance regardless of the possibility that it means relinquishing individuals or things you have an emotional connect with.Frustration mounts and you feel disappointed with the way things are turning out at work.There is a probability that guarantees that were given were not kept.Perhaps you will feel better when you understand that this circumstance is for a brief while and will soon turn itself around.Try not to throw good money after bad cut your losses and proceed onward. A relationship hasn't satisfied your desires.

Cancer-Dear Cancer,you venture out on another new journey and it will be a while till you achieve your destination.Follow your inner light that is directing you on this way of new opportunities and experiences.Handling cash intelligently would be a good idea. Any new investment needs to be concentrated on and analyzed carefully.An unforeseen situation may have presented to you a relationship that is fated.A new occupation, profession  or business endeavor wait for you.

Leo-Dear Leo there is a lot of confusion at the moment and you are unable to think clearly.A difference of opinion regarding a project or a financial venture could occur.In times like these do not be mislead by other people instead trust your own judgement.Go over all paper work carefully and eliminate any loopholes.Tact and diplomacy could help you win people over to your side.In a relationship good communication and honesty could help you overcome obstacles.

Virgo-Dear Virgo, it is important that you ground yourself and focus on tasks before  you. The doors for business ventures and projects are going to be thrown open, pay attention to even the minutest detail of all the paper work. Try and develop your skill sets and learn as much as you can about business transactions.If you are looking for a job then most likely it will be in a support function or the trades.

Libra- Life is brimming with endowments and lessons, we are continually being tested to learn the lessons we are supposed to learn in each lifetime, what is it that you were meant to learn from each obstacle you overcame? Ask yourself after you cross each test what was the lesson for me in this? It is imperative that you keep the learning and let the experience go.This week you certainly are going to gain financially in your job or business through the hard work you have put in yet you will need to regard and comply with the standards and customs of your profession.Examine your mentality about money and don't concentrate excessively on material concerns. There is a possibility of you working in a field that requires great knowledge, religion or long standing traditions.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio wealth and property are represented by this card.There are chances of you coming into inheritance or have access to family money to use for your own purpose.Fame, fortune and recognition are yours as you possess the necessary abilities to accomplish a great deal.Use your skills to encourage and inspire people to participate in humanitarian projects.Security, fulfillment and happiness enhance a relationship and inspire you to develop your talent and strength.

Sagitarius- This stage conveys an end to one part of your life and makes you begin anew. Old convictions, thought forms and mentality will be supplanted by another viewpoint and another world view.The old must gives way for the new to come in, you may change to another profession or another occupation, If you discover yourself limited by your current circumstance then the time is now, for you to change things and search for things more satisfying.Try to shed thoughts, individuals and practices that are constraining your growth.It is time to let an old lifestyle die gradually so something better can take its place

Capricorn- Being unyielding and declining to listen to others could prove very costly.There could be a sudden change in your income.Change in employment obligations, occupation or workplace could prompt sudden confusion.Perhaps, you need to change your state of mind and get to be more positive and open minded.Avoid showdowns.Better focus and direction could greatly benefit your work.A new affair could begin or an existing relationship could end.

Aquarius- Riches come to you as a consequence of hard work or secure investments.There is no reason for going out on a limb right now,this is the time to expect slow,steady gains rather than windfalls.Dependence on others can at times be crippling  confidence is called for.Try to be completely forthright and straightforward in your dealing with others

Pisces- You are experiencing some pain or agony and you feel estranged from the world.Try not to hurt others in this procedure as it could further distance you.Discord and detachment frequently make you feel troubled and remorseful.There are chances of deception and trickery at play try to deal with this situation with lot of compassion and understanding.This situation though not perfect brings awareness as to where you are headed.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes May 5th - 12th 2015

Aries- Enough of dilly dallying Aries, it is time to get serious and augment your future and fortune. Your mental faculties are sharp and they are waiting for the right opportunity to come by.When the right opportunity does, come make sure things are moving under your pilotage. Focus and lucidity will help you move closer to your goals but disclosing your plans beforehand would not be a good idea. A relationship is based on high ideals and fantasy you need to relax a little and show your feelings.

Taurus- Dear Taurus there could be a particular challenge that is causing you some grief, try to go within and look for answers because the answer lies within you. The knowledge you have gained over a period of time is immeasurable but it needs application.There is a good scope of you landing a lucrative job but you will have to abide by the established rules of the workplace.Try to bridge the gap between your job and your spiritual leanings.In case of a relationship this is a long term one and it could culminate in marriage.

Gemini- Dear Gemini don't get too attached to outcomes, have patience.There is no point in worrying about how things will unfold, just remember that they will and till then you have to use your energies in a constructive manner and gather your reserves.Bring in your experience and try to be on top of things.This is a period of wait, watch and listen so that you can bring in this knowledge to assist you when the need arises.This is not the right time for a serious relationship.

Cancer- Dear Cancer, you have exhausted yourself beyond imagination and now you feel dispirited.
The cards here advise you to take time off to think things straight and to regain mental and physical strength.If there is a financial matter looming over your head consider it carefully on your own.There could be a very stressful situation you are dealing with and perhaps it would be better if you withdrew from it for a while.Try to detach yourself from acquiring too many things and try to make life a little simpler.

Leo- Oh Leo, you are a bundle of nerves, your emotions are like the proverbial seesaw uplifting you one minute and letting you down the next.Your intuition is at its peak and it is guiding you to address
any insecurities, fears or issues that you need to deal with, listen to it carefully.There could be a financial deal you are working on at the moment please do not make any decisions till all the aspects of the deal are clear.Professionally it is time to get real about your talents and capabilities. A deep idealistic connection between two people is signified by this card.

Virgo- Dear Virgo, your sense of self worth has climbed up a few notches and you feel in control of your resources and abilities.Prosperity, contentment and comfort are there for you to claim.Now is the opportunity to fully enjoy your success and accomplishment.You feel appreciated, loved,respected and rewarded after an uphill climb.Continue to invest and use your resources intelligently to reap rich dividends, an investment could turn out to be beneficial.Take charge of your career path and you will certainly reach a position at the top rung of the ladder.

Libra- Dear Libra, you have come to a stage in your life where you are stronger inside yourself and you have been attempting to relinquish all the old stuff that you have been carrying for ages.You have delved within and faced your fears and insecurities bravely. Take out time for yourself and introspect and ask yourself what else could be keeping you away from being happy and fulfilled ? Are there any old propensities that keep you from pushing ahead or are there individuals spreading antagonism around you? Be tenacious and overcome these issues for they are obstructions to growth and prosperity.You have been dependent on others for quite a while and now you need to figure out how to stand tall on your own.

Scorpio- Wise and intelligent management of resources pave the way to prosperity.There is likelihood of a business partnership coming your way which could prove beneficial as it involves a group endeavour. A tension free time ensues where worries about money a resources will fade in the background.Professionally team work is the answer to get ahead and benefit yourself and others.
You are not frivolous and like a partnership based on respect, trust and deep affection.

Sagitarius- An air of restlessness hangs heavy in regard to some financial matters.There is no reason to initiate big changes but there is a need to nurture the early development of some financial endeavour.There is a possibility of your finances fluctuating it may come in and go out just as quickly.In your professional life you dont see much growth and that could to impatience on your part.There is a likelihoos of you juggling two jobs or having two sources of income.

Capricorn- A phase of peace, harmony and love begins.You feel aligned to the universe and feel a great sense of peace around you.Try to find a trustworthy partner for business as allying yourself with a partner could prove beneficial.Joint ventures team work and partnerships are advised..Great love and understanding flows through your relationship with someone special and family members too.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius some kind of pain and suffering you are going through and you feel alienated from the world.Try not to hurt others in this process as it could further alienate you.Discord  and isolation often make you feel unhappy and remorseful.This situation though not very pleasant brings awareness about where you are going and what you ought to do.There are chances that deception could be at play and could result in a separation, try to bridge the gap with compassion and understanding.

Pisces- Dear Pisces overbearing and controlling individuals could try to dissuade you from doing what you really want.It is imperative you take charge and show them you are capable enough to make sound decisions.Do not get manipulated as there could be some hidden issues which have not come to light yet.You have a great talent of generating money through your skills and networking abilities.Align yourself with the power of the universe to generate more wealth.Try not to get involved in some questionable deals.