Mystical Soul Tarotscopes September 29th- 6th October 2015
Aries- Dear Aries, Organization and practicality are required at this point of time.Developing these two qualities is going to make you more self reliant.Material comfort and security with additional success is present in the cards but for that you have to learn the art of managing resource management and optimisin your chances of more financial rewards.There is likelihood of you handling big financial investments.Those who are employed are likely to have a stable week through good management skills. Courage, honesty and determination will help you achieve your goals. Invest your time and energy in creating something of great value and inspiration.
Taurus- Dear Taurus, a time for emotional renewal and return to happier times.There is clarity of thought, receptivity, generosity and creativity. There could be a relation between the past and present regarding money. You can expect old debts being repaid and a return to affluent times after a period of instability.You may decide to join hands with someone for a joint venture and enjoy sharing the profits.A renewed enthusiasm towards work enabling you to be more receptive to new ideas iving way to great creativity.Bring the skills new and old acquired by you and apply to the projects at hand to be recognised and rewarded. An open exchange in a relationship.
Gemini- Dear Gemini, this is a time for consolidation.Define your goals, purpose, territory and don't let life pass you by.Taking command of your financial matters is important to make it on your own.Assistance will be forthcoming but do not rely too much on outside help as it may result in compromising your self worth.Put your ideas and plans into action at work, be passionate about what you do.Embrace challenges to stretch yourself to the limit rather than settling for comfort and ease.
Cancer- Dear Cancer, you have recently gone through a very tough phase but you have gained a lot in terms of wisdom.You are on the verge of exhaustion and are physically exhausted, it is important that you take care of your health. Stop worrying and give yourself some rest.The tough times still continue bringing somethings to their conclusion.A financial situation needs to be handled carefully to avoid losses. The right action now can still save the situation.
Leo- Look within you dear Leo and you may feel the veils being lifted and the truth being revealed.There is a constant chatter going on in your mind and you need to silence your mind to listen to the tiny voice of your intuition.This inner knowing is going to guide you and if you feel too spaced out bring out your practical side to ground you.Trust your hunches and try to get deeper with certain matters instead of relying totally on face value.
Virgo- Dear Virgo routines can be boring but at this moment you are requested to take care of mundane tasks with great diligence.There is an increase in your finances due to wise investments.Be practical with money and stabilise your finances and keep awy from risks.Those in employment self reliance is called for now.You will succeed through hard work and steady persistance.Jobs in manufacturing, farming or construction are recommended .
Libra-Dear Libra- there is lack of clarity and you must rely on blind faith. An argument could result with a difference of opinion about a moneymaking venture. Don't allow other people to confuse you have faith in your own ideas .Watch out for any loopholes in any contracts, investments and other financial documents.Lack of clarity creates problems at work.Have faith in yourself and take care of details. A tricky situation could crop up which needs to be handled with tact and diplomacy.
Scorpio- Dear Scorpio money improvements and consolidation is indicated.You are accumulating wealth or have sound financial backing.Work situation seems to be trouble free and secure.You are a valued member of the team and deserve the respect you command.You will see all the trappings of success materialising.However, dont make the mistake of staying in a job that does not provide fresh challenges and excitement to you.
Sagitarius- Dear Sagitarius,The time has come to be more brave and less conservative.A change is shown by the cards it can incite you to give up your property, business or other monetary investments and proceed onward to something else.A costly lesson could be coming to you as a result of being adamant and refusing to listen to others.There could be a sudden change in your financial standing and it would be prudent to make changes in your portfolio.A change in job, responsibilities is likely now.You may need to change your attitude or the way you perform your job.Better focus and avoiding confrontation could benefit your work.
Capricorn- Dear Capricorn, this is the time for taking a few risks and try something new. This period is filled with excitement, movement and action.Opportunities will present themselves and you will have to take spot decisions.At work too things move very quickly and you will be on your toes.You feel inspired and creativity flows through you and you make rapid progress.
Aquarius- Dear Aquarius you have the fine ability of consolidating innovativeness with creativity and common sense. You can generate money through the down to earth use of your vitality, gifts and resources.This is the phase where you remain on the precarious edge of effective consummation of a stage in your money related story.Professionals valuable usage of your time, capabilities will deliver enduring and lasting results..It is a great opportunity to go on a journey you have been wanting to go.
Pisces- Dear Pisces it is a time to rejoice and spread the joy to others.Brighter days lie ahead, financial problems pale and confusion disappears. You see how to make the most of your resources.At work you are in control and using your abilities to the best of your abilities.Your oal is in sight and you know how to achieve it.Success, rewards and rewards are likely to come your way. You are a source of inspiration to others.
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