Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes Feb 23rd -1st March 2016

Aries-  Dear Aries the card that has come up for you denotes competition at work place. Is it you who is competing with others or facing the competition. There is more to life than this so create time for yourself and learn to relax and hear the voice of your inner being.Confusion or disagreements may exist about how to spend, invest or use the money, be practical,losses may result if you don't pay attention.Egotism and stubbornness interfere with progress.Be more flexible and cooperative in your personal life.

Taurus- Dear Taurus, this is the time to make bigger and better decisions about your life and implementing changes. You are working with the energies of the universe and you will witness synchronicity at work . There will be an improvement in your work/career life. This points to an excellent time to find new work or to ask for and receive a promotion in your current job if that is possible. Particularly if your work is in a creative field, this is a time when your suggestions and work will be met with excellent comprehension and may lead you to "bigger and better things." 
 If you're in a long-term relationship, the relationship will very likely seem to rise to new, deeper levels of commitment and enjoyment.

Gemini- Dear Gemini,  It's very likely that at this time a person will come into your life who is like a mentor or teacher even if they don't "teach" you directly. You will still learn from them on several levels. Honor the need that you may be having to withdraw to a degree from ordinary life - It won't last forever. You will soon be feeling much more social, so don't push yourself now to be around a lot of people unless it is absolutely necessary. You will likely emerge from this month feeling refreshed and renewed, particularly on a spiritual level.At wok you need independence in order to develop yourself and discover what really matters to you.Rather than working for a company or organization this card may recommenf freelancing or self employment.Being alone for a time could help you to develop your ideas, talents or self reliance.

Cancer- Dear Cancer, the future is unclear so you must rely on blind faith.A difference of opinion may exist regarding an investment or financial venture.Do not allow other people to confuse you and lead you astray.Implement your own ideas and have faith in them.Watch out for any loopholes in contracts, investments or other documents.Work is confusing as there is not much clarity. Take care of details and be tactful.Good communication and compromise are required in a relationship.

Leo- Dear Leo this card is about holding on to things, people, money, or situations longer than is healthy or realistic. When this card appears in a reading, it's a sure sign that you must look carefully at what you are clinging to, and whether others are clinging to you in an unhealthy way. You are experiencing  anxiety/fear about money and/or a clinging to whatever it is that makes the querent feel secure. The key here is to try to realize that being anxious and grasping does NOT bring security. This is a card about fear, basically, when it comes to love. Either you are holding on far too tight to a situation or lover, or someone is attempting to do that to you. This clinging is not healthy. True love allows for space between the lovers, and no matter what, one can never really control another person.

Virgo- Dear Virgo, you have a great ability to bounce back after facing difficulties. Don't let the things you are worried about overwhelm you. Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, if you must. At least some of your worries will very likely turn out to be imaginary. Losses that you have suffered in the past are likely to be recovered.Your financial situation is on track and getting better each day.You may still have to wait before you achieve a position of unassailable strength and your assets reach a peak.Continue working towards your goal, the worst is over and success and security lie ahead.Give your partner some breathing space and resolve your differences.

Libra-  Tend to practical matters dear Libra. This card denotes contracts, paperwork or negotiation regarding money.Be careful while examining investment or financial documents. Pay attention to details. You could be working in a practical field or in a support position.This job provides you financial security but not much glamour.A down to earth uncomplicated approach to love.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio,  Don't hesitate to make where you stand clear to people. Your thinking is clear, and you are likely to help someone out by spelling things out for them. This card can indicate that a change is coming - a positive change - in your personal or business life. This card also points toward being independent and thinking for yourself. Stick with your plans and course of action even though things may appear difficult at the moment.At work hard work and enthusiasm is called for to achieve your goals. Set priorities and invest energy where it will do the most good. for you can succeed. Do what is necessary to make a relationship work.

Sagitarius- Dear Sagitarius,  it's a signal to allow the childlike side of yourself to come forward.It also can indicate that someone - likely someone who is younger than you, is coming your way before long with a message for you.   In general, this card shows a need to play, to dream, to have a little fun. When this card appears, it sometimes means that you've been taking yourself far too seriously. Even if things have been bad in your job for the last ten years, the appearance of this card shows that there is cause for hope and positive anticipation. No matter who you are, you have professional options. Life can change on a dime, and sometimes those changes are positive. If you're unhappy in your current work, know that you hold the key to changing it. Painful experiences in your childhood have left you feeling vulnerable and skeptical when it comes to relationships. As a result you may end up giving too much or too little in the relationship.

Capricorn- Dear Capricorn,  one of the most uplifting and pleasant cards to receive in a reading. Known often as the "wish card" it can mean that what you are hoping for or dreaming about most is very likely to be yours – in a brief period of time, generally, too. The appearance of this card is usually a portent of happiness, and good things about to come. It also usually means that what you want is likely to come into being in your life. At work good luck that you hadn't counted on could be yours. If you have a big dream, or are working on a project that has been stalled, this could be the month that it moves forward finally. If you've been interviewing for a job, this could be the time that the one you were really hoping for finally comes through.  A relationship  will deepen and become better and sweeter.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius this card symbolises inner strength, security and a strong sense of our own worth. This means that your material wishes will be met – perhaps to a degree that you would not have thought possible, and that in general, things will be going exceedingly well for you. Security in all forms is at a high.There are chances of receiving family money or property.Prosperity and abundance are likely.Success and fame can be yours for you possess the necessary abilities to accomplish much. A relationship may support the development of your talents or strengthen your sense of self worth.

Pisces- Dear Pisces, this is a card about balance, in many ways, and relationships of all kinds. Friendships, family, romantic partnerships, and work partnerships all need your attention. This is also a card about alchemy or mixing and matching. You may have to try several approaches to things before you find what is truly right for you.
  It is time you forgot the old hurts and allowed old wounds to heal, avoid power games, ego battles and allow love to unravel in it's own good time.Professionally it would be better to compromise and cooperate with your colleagues. Financially pay attention to your debts and try to balance spending with investing.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Mystical Tarotscopes February 2nd- 9th 2016

 Dear Readers I am extremely sorry for not being as regular as I was earlier but my health has been a little indifferent so please forgive me. I would love to hear from you so please leave your comments so I can evolve with your help to be a better reader.

Aries- Dear Aries a portent for better times..A period of joy and accomplishment after you have been tested and tried to your limits.Success and gains kiss your feet and business ventures show signs of great success.A risky investment should pay off well.In a job great satisfaction and appreciation, landing the perfect job or excellence in a challenging endeavour is indicated.You receive the accolades and recognition you deserve.You enjoy a great period of intimacy and warmth in your relationship.

Taurus- Dear Taurus a time for action, time for taking risks and trying something new approaches.There is excitement, urgency and things develop so rapidly as if they have a life of their own.You may be put to test of taking a decision on the go.Opportunities, information or results come thick and fast so be alert and have your wits about you.A very busy period at work when things develop suddenly and you have to take judicious action. It is a period of rapid progress and you could see an accelerated growth in your career. A time of passion and excitement.

Gemini- Dear Gemini it is time you forgave others and settled old disputes, right all wrongs and try to be more compassionate,kind, and selfless. This card symbolises a fair and equitable distribution of wealth.A legal matter that has been languishing in court may be decided in your favour if it is rightfully yours.You are advised to to acquire wealth through honest means and use it for the greater good. Your work arena needs balance, fairness and honesty.A more equal distribution of work and responsibilities is needed. Some problems get resolved during this time.Fair play, honesty and consideration are called for in a relationship.

Cancer- Dear Cancer union of different facets of your personality takes place now.This is time of union, coming together of two or more people for business partnership and putting their resources together.A partnership of mutual benefits can result. Creative partnership in which you and a partner unite your talents to produce inspired work.You accomplish more together than you would have individually.Harmonious flow of affection between two people. Emotional reciprocity and an intuitive understanding of one another's needs enable you to nourish each other.

Leo- Dear Leo at the point when this card shows up, you might be keeping yourself down in light of the fact that you fear moving into the future, or on the grounds that you are careful about getting hurt by another person or circumstance , or possibly for reasons unknown.  Thoroughly consider what it is that you're anxious about. Reality is most likely less unnerving than your mind is making it out to be. when all is said and done,this card lets us know that we should always be prepared for failure . Try not to fear the unknown; numerous blessings exist for you there. Look at your thoughts and your speech  and realize that what you say and do and the decisions that you make influence the results throughout your life. If you loathe your work, trust that you hold the ability to change your circumstance since you do. Don't let your fears hold you back. Fear, lack of persistence, or misunderstanding prevent you from being happy in your relationship. 

Virgo- Dear Virgo you feel as if you are gripped by fear and anxiety. It is important that you examine your fears and get to the core issue that is generating anxiety.It is not the time to blame people or situations for your condition.Try to gather your strength by maintaining your composure and do not let other people affect you negatively.Losses could occur in financial matters but not necessarily things turn out as badly as you imagine them to be.At work fear could be hampering your progress.Perhaps you let other people decide for you what course you should take.Pain caused in a relationship by insensitivity of the other person.You may feel rejected, lonely or misunderstood.

Libra- Dear Libra This is a card about unrealistic dreams. It cautions us to pay attention to what "is" there presently, and the numerous blessings we each at present experience, and not to stress a lot over "what could be."  Be sure that you are grateful for all the blessings you have in your life. Don't invest an excessive amount of energy in self indulgence or wishing your life away.Do not be too self absorbed and pay attention to people who matter in your life. There is a void within that you may try to fill with material possessions.Your employment may not enthrall you but it provides you security and comfort.To feel more alive and challenged at work find something that offers you more creative expression. The emphasis on on security and routine may be undermining your happiness.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio this is a time of new beginnings, positive ones. This is a time to be upbeat, optimistic, and hopeful about your future. You are feeling quite energetic and positive, or you very soon will be feeling that way.You may start a new endeavour you are passionate about and make a success of it. If you are looking for a new position know that something new and very positive is likely to be headed your way soon. Be bold and ask for what you want/need in the work/career arena. You are likely to be more successful than you'd dream possible. Your imagination and talents could come your way. Be willing to invest the energy and attention to make it happen. A burst of enthusiasm in an existing relationship.

Sagitarius- Dear Sagitarius it is time for you to get in touch with your feminine self regardless of the fact whether you are male or female. This card promises coming abundance.Your intuitive self is heightened and it would be wise to listen to it. Financial ventures are quite successful and the money flows freely.Value yourself and your abilities more highly and improve your self worth.A creative partnership could be beneficial, teamwork is called for at this time.Use your talents responsibly.
A mature attitude towards relationships encourages you to form relationships based on respect, trust, deep affection and give and take.

Capricorn- Dear Capricorn this card symbolises inner strength, security and a strong sense of our own worth. This means that your material wishes will be met – perhaps to a degree that you would not have thought possible, and that in general, things will be going exceedingly well for you. Security in all forms is at a high.There are chances of receiving family money or property.Prosperity and abundance are likely.Success and fame can be yours for you possess the necessary abilities to accomplish much. A relationship may support the development of your talents or strengthen your sense of self worth.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius learn the art of give and take, accept assistance and be ready to give the same to others. An opportunity of business partnership materialises.By allying yourself with another person or group you may be able to earn greater profits.Teamwork, group ventures and business partnerships .There are more chances of success if you share responsibilities and resources with people whose abilities and assets complement you.Share your resources financial and otherwise with your partner.

Pisces- Dear Pisces  It is likely that a few individuals/circumstances that you have depended on as being present  for you might not be there in the same manner. This doesn't need to be desperate; change is the way of life.If you have been day dreaming and building castles in the air they will be replaced by reasonable and reachable dreams and objectives.There could be a shake up in your financial sector and it could occur unexpectedly.Sudden change in your job situation could also unsettle you. It would be wise to remember that once the old structure is destroyed you can find greater independence. You will get through this time just fine; particularly if you remember that you have all the resources you need, already inside you, to deal with life and to do what you need to do.