Saturday, April 10, 2021

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes 12th April -18th April


Aries- Dear Aries the time is ripe when you will see the results of all your struggle. You have reached a place where you feel secure, loved and stable. I can see abundance knocking on your door, success in business, fresh opportunities at work, rewards and recognition. If you have been wanting to land that perfect job then now is the time.You are in tune with yourself and with the times. A valuable and fulfilling relationship is seen.

Taurus- Dear Taurus, this is the ideal time for business ventures and joint partnerships. An associate's assets will profit you monetarily. A unique bond in which two individuals consolidate their abilities to create an inspiring outcome.  An Endeavour to build up participation and value at work is suggested. An amicable and loving relationship between two individuals is seen.

Gemini- Dear Gemini, don't fret too much, things are not as bad as they seem. Though you may experience fear, negativity, guilt and sadness about a money matter but all is not lost. You need to think objectively, open your eyes and face the truth where a financial situation is concerned. Negativity may be preventing your success, do not allow other people decide for you what action you should take. Do not dwell on problems but find a solution to your problem. In love there is pain caused by the insensitivity of another.

Cancer- Dear Cancer is there a void within you that you try to fill with money? Do not let your emotions dictate you in your financial matters. You feel stuck in a rut as far as work is concerned. You no longer feel excited or challenged where work is concerned. It is time you look elsewhere for creativity and growth. A relationship is no longer exciting, the emphasis is more on security and routine leaving you frustrated with your partner.

Leo- Dear Leo it is time you come into your own and take charge of your life, especially your finances.You should know you have the ability to generate wealth. At work be cautious as someone could be working behind your back to gain advantage and control. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by others to gain favours.Power struggles are likely so do not reveal everything to everybody.

Virgo- Dear Virgo,Things are settling down, moving from turbulent waters to peaceful waters. You have the knowledge to make wise decisions.You also  have the ability to resolve past problems. Though you certainly have been through the wringer but surely and slowly you will see things moving in your favour. In business use your network to help you advance and be successful. Perhaps travel will play a role in making money. A time of love and understanding between you and your partner.Try to put your problems behind you.

Libra- Dear Libra, You are being advised to sharpen your skills and improve your knowledge to achieve your financial goals.Where work is concerned you may need to completely immerse yourself in your work. Apply the knowledge you have gained to your work and improve your chances of performing better. Do set realistic goals and try to achieve them. Try to be more devoted in your relationships if you want more love then you have to give more love.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio it is time to stop dilly dallying and be decisive. Take charge of a financial matter or a situation and make a success out of it. You are being advised to keep information to yourself and not to reveal your sources to anyone. In work the cards suggest that you need to show your leadership and act in dispassionate and mature way. A relationship is based on ideas, communication and abstract ideas rather than deep feelings.

Sagittarius-  Dear Sagi, though I hate to say it but there could be some loss or disappointment coming up for you.There could be a possibility that an investment you had made has not borne returns you were expecting. Work too is not giving you the fulfilment that it used to give earlier. Perhaps you feel you are not getting the kind of appreciation you deserve or a situation has resulted  differently than what you had anticipated. A relationship hasn't lived unto your expectations do what is necessary to rectify it.

Capricorn- Dear Cap, this is a time of change and perplexity. A situation has reached a boiling point resulting in chaos and disarray. It is time you take a break from this cycle of overwork and exhaustion. You have reached your own limits and however much we try we cannot control everything. One must remember that a situation has ended giving way to a new beginning, keep the learning and use it in the future. A disappointment in love time for a change is near.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius if your finances are not growing a change may improve the situation.  Let go of diffident ways, dilly dallying and a lack of commitment to move steadily towards your goals.Those who feel stagnant in their jobs will be better from changing jobs. Focus and commit yourself fully to the job at hand if you want to make progress in your career. Use your creativity and talent in your job. Uncertainty or lack of commitment prevents you from forging a loving long-lasting bond.

Pisces- Dear Pisces you have the power to bounce back from any negative situation and continue working for your objective. In spite of the fact that you have reached monetary success and you have accomplished stability in your life  you may still  need to wait  before you accomplish a place of unassailable strength and your resources reach a peak. It is imperative that you keep pursuing your goals till you attain financial freedom. You and your partner will resolve your differences.


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