Sunday, April 18, 2021

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes 19th April-25th April


Aries- Dear Aries, You may feel a delay in receiving payments or anything that is due. Some of you could feel a bit under the weather or strained by work related responsibilities.It is time to free yourself from people who drain your resources emotional, creative or physical.

Taurus- Dear Taurus there could suddenly be a gateway opening up for you. It could be in the form of a new career, project or a business venture that ensures future financial security.You could also receive financial backing that you have been waiting for. In love There are chances of you meeting a romantic partner through work. Those of you looking to get pregnant this could be a good time.

Gemini- Dear Gemini, you are approaching a time when your life is going to be filled with happiness. The card signifies abundance making its way to you. It could be as a result of love, an inheritance by the older generation or through a wedding or wedding gifts. Fame and fortune could come your at your workplace. In a love relationship it indicates happiness, security and fulfilment

Cancer- Dear Cancer, you could be approaching a time that could prove challenging.There are chances of you being opposed at work or at home. There could be a battle of wills which could add to stress.Be careful that you are not being manipulated in a relationship. This card denotes small agreements that wear you down but if you face this time with calm it will pass without doing much damage.

Leo- Dear Leo, you are being plagued with indecision, but if you want to reach your goals it is imperative that you be more decisive in your behaviour. An opportunity that looks good on paper may prove to be not that good.You need to become more assertive and give it what you have to succeed at work.Fear of commitment or uncertainty could be a roadblock where your relationship is concerned.

Virgo- Dear Virgo, this is a time to recover from any financial losses that you have gone through. You will see that the money flow will increase and you will see better times. There could be too much emphasis on materialistic security which could stifle spontanaeity. In a relationship you find stability and contentment.

Libra- Dear Libra in order to succeed you may have to let go of your fears, insecurities and pessimism these things are keeping you from realising your dreams. A challenging work related matter might require you to draw on your inner strength.In a relationship overcome your fears in order to achieve happiness.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio an absolute turn around is needed whereas work is concerned. You need to radically change the way you do things. It is time to look for a new job or give up something secure in order to find something more challenging and rewarding. In a relationship you need to let go egoistic tendencies.

Sagittarius-  Dear Sagittarius it is time you start taking responsibility for your finances.You should know you have the ability to generate wealth. At work be cautious as someone could be working behind your back to gain advantage and control. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by others to gain favours.Power struggles are likely so do not reveal everything to everybody.

Capricorn- Dear Capricorn you are feeling stagnant, dull and emotionally downcast at the moment. To move ahead in life you need to be proactive but you feel disconnected and demotivated. You are invited to examine this situation and see what needs to change perhaps you are stuck in a job only because it provides security and comfort.A relationship lacks excitement.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius finally you have reached your goals and you feel happy, content and loved. You are certain to reach the pinnacle of success and feel that the work you do deserves to be recognised.You find fulfilment and security in your relationship. Those looking forward to start a family this could be the right time.

Pisces-  There could be a possibility of an emotional upheaval which could leave you feeling confused and sad. Your work gives you no satisfaction, perhaps promises made were not kept don't let this get you down this situation is temporary it is important that you move forward and let go of the past. A relationship turns out disappointing.

Please follow me on Instagram @mysticaltarotscopes


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