Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes December 8th- 15th 2015

Aries-Dear Aries, you experience peace, contentment and harmony in this phase. You have struggled and earned the satisfaction and peace you are experiencing now.Abundance and good fortune smile down at you. Success in financial ventures is indicated. In your profession you will be flooded with new opportunities,rewards and recognition ,those looking for a new job may land that perfect job you have been waiting for.A rich and rewarding love life.

Taurus- Dear Taurus,a time of great inspiration and self exploration opens up for you.Money making schemes will have an element of fantasy, you may come up with lots of money making schemes but you have to be prepared that most of the schemes won't pan out.Some deals could be mirages so examine them carefully.For those who are working it would be wise to explore different career options to find what fits you. Be realistic about your skills, vocation or your future.You could find yourself in a job that stimulates your creativity but any opportunity that is too good to be true needs to be examined.You indulge in romantic fantasies while you try to determine what type of relation you truly want.

Gemini- Dear Gemini, you are bored and feel stagnated, look within to discover what you really want and how the choices you have made have led you here. Perhaps you feel trapped by your possessions or are using money to satisfy your emotional needs.Do not let your emotions dictate financial matters to your detriment.Financial stability is indicated but not growth.In a job you feel stuck and restricted, it is time to reassess your priorities perhaps you are placing security and comfort above creative expression and growth. A relationship lacks excitement and change security and routine maybe undermining your happiness.

Cancer-Dear Cancer you experience growth as a result of hard work and patience.Stick with a plan even though things may seem difficult at the moment.It is good to hold your ground but not smart to get into a conflict over money or property.Continue to work hard at your job, set priorities  and invest energy where it will do the most good.Persevere you will succeed but it will take time.Do what is necessary to make your relationship work.

Leo- Dear Leo there is an imbalance brewing between your heart and your head, the mind is dominating which can cause a feeling of alienation and sadness.Losses could result from relying totally on analysis and rational thinking while ignoring your intuition.Do be careful that you do not hurt others or make money at the cost of others.In a profession you are not doing the work you love and feel isolated and unhappy but from this discontent will rise awareness what you really want. Try to bridge the gap with understanding, compassion and honest communication in a relationship.

Virgo- Dear Virgo this phase symbolizes an ending of a major phase. You need to shed behaviours, attitudes, lifestyle or people who are hindering your growth.This card symbolizes an end of one phase and beginning of another,Though the change can be painful at that time but soon it will transform  your life.There could be an end to a financial matter to make room for new growth.Sometimes this card signifies an end of a career path and a beginning of another.In a relationship if its no longer satisfying seek a more fulfilling partnership.Change the way you relate to a partner.

Libra- Dear Libra it is time that you shatter the protective barriers you have made around yourself If you do not do the needful then nature will take over and do it for you. Embrace the changes that come when you let go false pretenses. A change in your financial situation could take place or a change in a job situation could come about that could surprise you. However welcome the transformation for it will result in greater freedom and independence of expression. Make sure you use channels of communications extensively professionally and personally.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio you have gained wisdom as a result of very difficult experiences. You are physically exhausted and need to take out time for yourself. .This card guides you to pick yourself up after a period of losses and endings and to move on but never forget what you learnt from this experience.A situation has reached its limit and now it is time for it to end.You are overworked and exhausted, perhaps worrying too much and wearing yourself out. Sometimes this crisis is brought on by dishonesty, misconceptions and overextending yourself.However the right action can bring success.Take care of your health..

Sagitarius- Dear Sagitarius  an extraordinary period of affection and being blessed arrives a period when you feel blessed and fulfilled by the blessings bestowed on you by the universe..You may benefit by associating with a business accomplice or you may get monetary assistance from an unexpected source.Joint endeavors, collaboration and participation are indicated, Try to be more cooperative and work in a joint endeavour instead of going solo..Combine imagination with common sense. You may have to make some choices.A joyful union is indicated.

Capricorn- Dear Capricorn follow your dreams and don't be led astray by nay Sayers.It is time to apply your time and effort intelligently. Do what you love and abundance will follow you to your door.Be careful about money matters,there are chances of you sharing your prosperity with others.Channel your energies and passion in your job or project and it will bear fruit. Stand up for what you believe in. A passionate romance in which both the partners express their love openly.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius awaken the feminine within you regardless of the fact whether you are male or female.Open your heart chakra and let compassion flow out.In business use your intuition but don't neglect commonsense altogether. Learn to be flexible during a time of flux.Use your imagination and 
creativity to produce inspired work of high quality, infusing them with beauty.Changes at your work place or career path are possible. Be flexible in work related matters.In a relationship love, nurturing and acceptance  is required.

Pisces- Dear Pisces ou are at the end of your tether and nearing exhaustion.You took on too much and you need to take a break from this unending cycle of hard work and stress. There are issues to be dealt with and money is a major issue. Perhaps other people are dependent on you financially and rely on your support or your financial situation impacts others.There is more responsibility and work than you can handle but can't put your load down yet as other people depend on you.Try to delegate duties and authority to relieve stress.Though the situation you are labouring under are exhausting but they will push you to learn and grow.


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