Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarotscopes July 7th - 14th 2015

Aries- Dear Aries there is a great need for you to integrate your emotional self and become whole.There has been pain in the past which needed to be addressed or still needs to be addressed.  The mind has dominated all along and today you feel alienated and sad.Denying pain does not make it go away therefore address the issues that caused you the pain.Where work is concerned it would be wise to listen to your heart now and then, follow your hunches to prevent losses.You feel dispirited at the moment and from this discontent will arise awareness about what you really want to do after all.

Taurus- Dear Taurus, a turn for the better awaits you. Money matters improve and you could end up giving a helping hand to someone who needs it or you could be the recipient of financial assistance.This is a time to join hands in partnership with others to increase profits and mutual benefits.Teamwork, group ventures and partnerships play a theme in your life right now, better fortune can  result by sharing resources and responsibilities.Give and take very important in a relationship.

Gemini-Dear Gemini, change is upon you and go with the flow you must as there is no point resisting it.You may have settled down in your comfort zone but it is time when false sense of security needs to be given up. There could be a major shake up in your financial status suddenly and you could end up losing money or possessions. Transformation comes in many ways and this could be one old order crumbles to give way to the new.When this situation occurs you may feel pain but once the dust settles down you will feel a great sense of freedom and clarity.

Cancer- Your emotions are having a field day dear cancer.There is a great emotional upheaval that is keeping you restless and awake.Go within and reflect whether any secret issues, memories or fears are causing this emotional situation.Financial matters should be handled intelligently there could be issues that have been kept under wraps and you are not aware of them.Professionally you are going through a transition and you need to become more realistic about your abilities.Creativity in your work could pay you handsomely.A great idealistic bond between two people.

Leo- Dear Leo,you are on the path of personal development and this could be the end of a cycle on that path.Assess your actions, beliefs and progress before you decide a move ahead.This period could involve you taking major decisions regarding finances and this decision could lead you on a separate path altogether.Professionally too you may make a major decision which will have far reaching consequences.This is also a time of renewal and righting some wrongs weigh your choices correctly.

Virgo- A great time ahead Virgo, there could be new beginnings, new people and generally happy associations.New and profitable endeavours could be launched by you.Creativity will also play a great part and if nurtured these ventures could prove to be very successful.Professionally you are about to start a new job or project which you are very passionate about.This assignment sets your creativity in motion and allows you to manifest your dream.Remember without hard work and attention to detail you cannot win any situation.

Libra- Dear Libra this is the time for honing your skills and striving for perfection.Focus on your goal and try to learn as much as you can.You may invest money in a business venture to reap the rewards at a later date. To succeed you will have to pour in all your expertise and knowledge. Professionals are in for a time where total immersion in learning a skill could help them achieve success in their work. Try to brush up your knowledge and skills, set goals and try to achieve them.

Scorpio- Dear Scorpio, finally a time of harmony and balance arrives for you. You feel inner peace and realise that your head and heart are aligned.This is a good time to start a venture with a partner, financial backing will be available if you so desire.Joint ventures, team work , group efforts are advised learn to be more cooperative and less competitive.You may be facing a choice or decision in relation to work. Analyze all available information, then make your best choice It's possible that what you initially interpret as a bad thing will turn out to work in your favor.

Sagitarius-You are advised to follow a balanced behaviour dear Sagitarius. It is time you forgot the old hurts and allowed old wounds to heal, avoid power games, ego battles and allow love to unravel in it's own good time.Professionally it would be better to compromise and cooperate with your colleagues. Financially pay attention to your debts and try to balance spending with investing.

Capricorn-  Dear Cap practice patience all will reveal itself in good time. This is not the time to worry how things are going to shape up but have confidence everything will turn out fine.Investments as well as business ventures may need time to grow, financial issues may take some time to sort while you take control of the financial matter.Be patient and do not expect that things will develop before time. You will realise that this is the time of determination and ambition, getting things done, and testing and proving what you've got. This is a sign that you should move forward with whatever you have in mind (and in your heart) and give it your best shot. Remember, though, that you'll need to use both your intellect and your heart, in order to be truly successful.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius messages, often with regard to money and finances. You are likely to finally receive news that you've been waiting for, and this news is likely to be good. Money improvements as a result of hard work and honest labour..Be practical with money and try to stabilize your financial situation.It is time you step out of the shadows of others and reach your full potential.Learn to be self reliant and dependable.This can indicate a job in production or manufacturing

Pisces- Dear Pisces  there is a need for you to be forceful and truthful and forthright in some situation to get your needs met. To utilise information and channels of communication to augment your fortune. Your  instincts are serving you well. You already know what it is you want and need, now you just have to go after it. Be mindful of other people's feelings and sorrows as you are doing. Even though you may be very clear on what needs to happen in your work environment, this is not the time to broadcast your ideas. Don't overreact to any perceived slights or disrespect. If you're looking for work, you're in the space of being able to present yourself very well. Look to the women in your life to point you in the right direction.


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