Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mystical Tarot scopes March 3rd - March 10th 2015

Aries- Dear Aries this is a time of great hard and persistence work, you have already put in great efforts but there is still time for the results to start showing. Don't lose heart, pay attention and see if all the Ts are crossed and all the I's are dotted. Keep putting in the effort and soon you will see all rewards coming in.Don't give up so easily on your dream.

Taurus- There is a sense of loss that threatens to engulf you Taurus, there is a possibility that you could incurr some financial loss or an emotionally difficult situation but do not worry the situation will soon right itself. You feel depressed and long for freedom and change, this feeling translates in your professional life too where your work no longer enthuses you or inspires you as it did earlier. It would be a good idea to start looking for something more inspiring and creative.

Gemini-  Dear Gemini, a great time for using your intellectual capacities and communication skills are called for. You should be ready to take on the leadership role without dilly dallying. It is a time when you need to take charge of a situation at work or in business and take some dispassionate decisions. Please keep somethings close to your chest and dont share information with everybody.If you have recently got involved with someone this relationship is based mostly on ideas, communication and abstractions rather than deep feelings
or passion.

Cancer- Dear Cancer new opportunities could prove beneficial and push you out of the rut you find yourself into.If you find your job lacklustre may be a change would do you good, please learn to let go of indecisiveness and try to be more self confident this will help you face trials and take some risks. Lack of commitment on your part could also leave you feeling dissatisfied and dull. In your relationships too try to commit to one person instead of keeping your options open.

Leo- Dear Leo,you will soon get an opportunity where you will be able to express your creative and artistic self.These are exciting times where you will be enthused and put in lot of time in creative endeavours. Your skill and expertise are going to be recognised but you will have to learn to work in group initiatives and excel. You also need to focus on giving concrete shape to your plans and ideas and learn to promote yourself and your talents as others will not do that for you.

Virgo- There comes a time in our life when we are in sync with the universe and all seems to be flowing in the right direction. This is one of those times Virgo, the tide is turning and in its wake it brings you wonderful new opportunities,a new project or investors for a new project. Professionally you could be promoted or a new project could land up in your lap, which, if handled with care promises abundance and happiness.Put your shoulder to the wheel and give it your all as this could be a major stepping stone in your life.Romance is right round the corner keep your eyes open as it could be someone in your work premises.

Libra- Dear  Librans, a change in your job responsibilities, relocation or reshuffle is likely.You may need to adjust to new ways f working and tame your temperament. It is important you let go of your pessimistic and outdated attitude and adapt to being more open and positive.Lack of direction and focus could be detrimental so make sure you are focused on all that you do.You need to become more open and adjusting in your personal relationships too. A business trip is likely in the near future.

 Scorpio- A relocation or major change in your responsibilities is indicated dear Scorpio. This phase will help you break out of  your shell and help be more adventurous and prone to taking risks. If you want you can come into your own magnificence by being more assertive, innovative and holding your own but that also means you need to know your subject well and use your talents well.

Sagitarius-  Dear Sagi, there are chances that you are being held captive by your obsessions, insecurities and fears. These conditions are making you unhappy.Perhaps you are so caught up in your work that you neglect other areas of your life, there is likelihood of you continuing to work at the same job as you are daunted by insecurities and hate change.Material possessions and wealth acquire a new meaning for you but make sure you are fair and just.In your relationship you could be blinded by your fixation that you are unable to see the person in their true light.

Capricorn- A time to shine has finally arrived, a new venture you have been toying with can become a reality if you set your eyes on the goal, if you are in partnership in your business then this alliance can be trusted.This phase has the potential to take you to great heights and get recognised for your talents but you have to wear the mantle of responsibility and leadership. Take charge of the work situation and you will inspire others too to give their best.

Aquarius- Dear Aquarius you can expect slight money ups and downs during this phase. It would be wise if you do not initiate any major projects at this point of time or expect a business venture to start giving results immediately. This is a period of wait and watch as at your workplace too there could be unsettling changes. You may feel disappointed or disheartened as there is nothing much happening or developing but this is a temporary phase and you should learn to conserve your time, resources and energy.There is also a possibility you could be handling more than one job or situation at this point.

Pisces- Dear Pisces this phase will rip the layer of fear and anxiety from you. It is time for you to confront your dark side and also lay to rest your fears and insecurities.Find the strength to face the world and challenges on your own and stop reying on others.All these out dated ideas and beliefs are road blocks to your success .There is a new opportunity on the horizon that will stretch you to your limits but draw on the strength and lead by example.


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