Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mystical Soul Tarot scopes Feb 3rd - 10th 2015

Aries- Aries this is a challenging time for some of you and you could be feeling spiritless and bored.There is a possibility that this situation could be of your own making.Your insecurities and fears do not allow you to move forward, resulting in stagnation..If you are stuck in a job that does not excite you it would be better to look for alternate employment that matches your interests and motivates you. Lack of commitment whether in your profession or a relationship can also prevent you from enjoying your life to the fullest. It is time to let go your fears and open up to love.

Taurus-Dear Taurus try to keep your emotional nature away from your financial dealings.You need to be astute and alert and know what is going on where your resources are concerned.Try to be aboveboard and ethical where your work is concerned; do not exploit others and prevent yourself from being exploited.Your intuition and creative abilities are heightened, let them guide you. Faith and fidelity are essential in any relationship and more so in yours.Try not to be secretive or manipulative in your relationship.

Gemini- An eminent change is foreseen coming into your life,there are times when we have to give up our old  outdated ideas, attitudes and behaviour and embrace the new in order to grow.When universe sees our aversion to change it creates situations where we are forced to change.People and places that restrict your growth are going to be swept aside and replaced by new circumstances and individuals There could be a possibility of a job change or you could embark on a new career altogether. This phase brings in it's wake a transformation from within which puts you in a happier place than  where you were.

Cancer-Life is going to get extremely busy dear Cancer and you will be more than ready to rise to the challenge. Sudden and exciting opportunities could come your way and it would be wise for you to take advantage of the window of opportunity that opens up for you.Professionally and personally you will be surrounded by new opportunities and will soon see things developing in your favour. Your productivity and creativity are at an all time high leading you to the pinnacle of success. For singles your Mr. Right could be just round the corner and for the committed this is a perfect time for reigniting the spark in your relationship.

Leo- Dear Leo you are known to be bold, fierce and strong so what is stopping you from achieving your goals? It seems as if you are gripped by negative thoughts and fears that prevent you from moving forward. Your fears and insecurities are blocking your own abundance and happiness, stop depending on others and become more self reliant. There are challenges ahead that will test you and help you overcome your negativity and assist you in realising your ambitions.

Virgo-There is good news for you Virgo, financially things will start to look up and you will definitely be in a better frame of mind.There are chances of new business partnerships or alliances appearing on the horizon.  You could be asked to work in a team or be a part of a group venture and this will be in your interest.Teaming with a group could garner greater profits for you than going it alone and it will also instill the spirit of sharing within you. In a relationship make sure that you share mutual respect and love with each other.

 Libra- Librans you are called to brush up your intellect and your creative skills as you are going to start a new project. This assignment not only will excite you but also goad you to better yourself. It is very important to focus on your goal and stop scattering your energies in different directions. Take up the initiative and be guided by your intuition. This card also advises you to be an effective communicator and convey your point of view effectively. 

Scorpio- Scorpio you may decide to team up with someone or there could be chances of shared resources being utilised  to create something innovative. This is a phase that indicates joint resources and partnerships.This is a time to observe, learn and profit from others abilities, talents and knowledge. Emotional receptivity and understanding in your relationship will allow you to nurture and bring out the best in each other allowing you to maintain a healthy and balanced relationship.

Sagitarius - Dear Sagi, perhaps you are trying to fill the void within with the trappings that money can buy? This is not how it works as money does not fulfill our emotional needs and desires.You often feel stagnated and listless by your present situation but the comfort and security keep you trapped.Your intellect needs challenge and excitement which it lacks, start looking for something that brings in more excitement and fulfills you in meaningful ways. 

Capricorn- Money comes to you and brings stability and security. You are valued and respected at your workplace and earn a good income.There are dangers of you continuing to work at a job that no longer enthuses or excites you.Learn to apply your knowledge and creativity to create a secondary stream of income. Lack of confidence in your abilities could prove to be a roadblock try to get over it and march ahead.

Aquarius- You are blessed Aquarius as this phase heralds a period of prosperity, financial growth and stability. New ventures take off, a new job comes your way which will prove to be financially lucrative.If you have been looking for investment partners even they could materialise to assist you financially.Be committed to work hard and take the leadership role to take this project to a new level.

Pisces- Dear Pisces things are changing for you now and getting better, a stroke of luck will improve your financial status and different and profitable opportunities abound.This phase brings in a period of completion and satisfaction. .The stars favour you and you could be in for some lucky breaks, romantically too, good fortune smiles at you and a new romance could spark off .


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